Felix Ever After Test | Final Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Felix Ever After Test | Final Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who texts Felix at the end of Chapter Thirteen?
(a) Marisol.
(b) Leah.
(c) Ezra.
(d) Declan.

2. How does Felix feel the pain caused by grandequeen69's words in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) As though it were physical.
(b) As though it were emotional.
(c) As though it were mental.
(d) As though it were spiritual.

3. At the group discussion Felix attends in Chapter Thirteen, what does Felix notice about the other participants?
(a) They are all much older than he is.
(b) They are all much more confused than he is.
(c) They are all much more open than he is.
(d) They are all much younger than he is.

4. As Felix tells Ezra Chapter Eighteen, he does not want Ezra to do what?
(a) Love him.
(b) Leave him.
(c) Hate him.
(d) Fear him.

5. In Chapter Eleven, Felix realizes he no longer needs to continue doing what?
(a) Doubting himself.
(b) Texting with Declan.
(c) Taking art classes.
(d) Writing to his mom.

6. According to Felix, why has he always avoided painting self-portraits before?
(a) His lack of talent prevented him.
(b) His aesthetic prevented him.
(c) His self-doubt prevented him.
(d) His dysphoria prevented him.

7. According to Jill, what does painting a self-portrait do for the artist?
(a) It makes the artist dislike themselves.
(b) It makes the artist conceptualize themselves.
(c) It makes the artist question themselves.
(d) It makes the artist accept themselves.

8. Who asks Felix if he is lonely without Ezra in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Jill.
(b) Declan.
(c) grandequeen69.
(d) His dad.

9. According to Declan in Chapter Seventeen, why was his relationship with Ezra doomed?
(a) Because Declan was too busy to date.
(b) Because Ezra cheated on him constantly.
(c) Because Ezra was in love with Felix.
(d) Because Declan is incapable of love.

10. In Chapter Seventeen, how does Felix feel when Leah informs him she still has not discovered the guilty party sending him harassing messages?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Exhausted.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Confused.

11. According to Leah, how can she help Felix learn the identity of the person harassing him via Instagram?
(a) She can compare fingerprints.
(b) She knows a private detective.
(c) She can access the security cameras.
(d) She can break into phones.

12. According to Leah in Chapter Seventeen, which student will she investigate next?
(a) Ezra.
(b) Tyler.
(c) Marisol.
(d) Austin.

13. How does Felix describe the self-portrait he paints in Chapter Twelve?
(a) As mediocre.
(b) As ugly.
(c) As beautiful.
(d) As uneven.

14. Where does Felix meet Ezra in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) The Stonewall Inn.
(b) Christopher Park.
(c) Bethesda Fountain.
(d) Julius.

15. According to Lucky, he has too many what?
(a) Marginalizations.
(b) Differences.
(c) Excesses.
(d) Incongruities.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does Declan live?

2. According to Lucky in Chapter Sixteen, his many identities make him feel how?

3. What group discussion does Felix attend in Chapter Thirteen?

4. In Chapter Sixteen, Lucky denies that he is which person?

5. What annual event does St. Catherine’s host at the end of every summer?

(see the answer keys)

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