Felix Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Felix Ever After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Felix archived old photos of his past life?
(a) On Instagram.
(b) On Tumblr.
(c) On Snapchat.
(d) On Facebook.

2. What does Ezra tell Felix in Chapter Eight?
(a) That he is afraid of the future.
(b) That he is thinking of moving abroad.
(c) That he is considering dropping out of school.
(d) That he loves him.

3. How does Felix’s dad fail to support Felix?
(a) He cannot accept the fact Felix is gay.
(b) He cannot support Felix's dream of being an artist.
(c) He cannot call Felix by name.
(d) He cannot pay for Felix's transition.

4. How does Felix react to the gallery in Chapter Three?
(a) He passes out.
(b) He pulls the alarm.
(c) He panics.
(d) He laughs.

5. What does Felix realize in Chapter Ten?
(a) That Declan helped plan the gallery.
(b) That Declan is behind the gallery.
(c) That Declan knows who is responsible for the gallery.
(d) That Declan is not behind the gallery.

6. What does Declan vow to do in Chapter Seven?
(a) Earn the scholarship to Brown.
(b) Learn who was responsible for the gallery.
(c) Get Felix kicked out of school.
(d) Make Felix fall in love with him.

7. What school would Felix like to attend after he graduates from high school?
(a) Cornell.
(b) Brown.
(c) Princeton.
(d) Dartmouth.

8. The narrator’s best friend has a tattoo of a work by which artist?
(a) Majorelle.
(b) Klimt.
(c) Toulouse-Lautrec.
(d) Mucha.

9. What does Felix do during the party in Chapter Six?
(a) Sits by himself.
(b) Dances on a table.
(c) Makes an embarrassment of himself.
(d) Falls asleep in the guest room.

10. How does Felix respond to his argument with his dad at the end of Chapter Five?
(a) He goes to his room.
(b) He gets drunk.
(c) He leaves.
(d) He cries.

11. For what does Declan apologize in Chapter Seven?
(a) Breaking up with Ezra.
(b) Mentioning the gallery.
(c) Laughing at him.
(d) Being nice to Felix.

12. How does Felix feel after his conversation with Declan at the end of Chapter Seven?
(a) Shocked.
(b) Justified.
(c) Angry.
(d) Helpless.

13. What is the name of the school Felix attends?
(a) St. Colette's.
(b) St. Clare's.
(c) St. Catherine’s.
(d) St. Cecilia's.

14. What must Ezra attend, as explained at the end of Chapter Eight?
(a) A charity gala.
(b) A ballet performance.
(c) A costume ball.
(d) A business meeting.

15. What does Declan tell the dean in Chapter Seven?
(a) That the incident was an accident.
(b) That Declan himself was the cause of the incident.
(c) That Felix was not responsible for the incident.
(d) That the incident was planned.

Short Answer Questions

1. Felix admits to questioning what aspect of himself in Chapter Five?

2. What private information about Felix is revealed to the school in Chapter Three?

3. What does Declan admit in Chapter Ten?

4. According to Declan in Chapter Seven, what about Felix upsets him?

5. At the start of Chapter Seven, the students in Felix’s class all discuss if what two things may be separated?

(see the answer keys)

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