Feed Test | Final Test - Hard

Matthew Tobin Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feed Test | Final Test - Hard

Matthew Tobin Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Violet call Quendy?

2. What does FeedTech respond, in terms of Violet's request for financial assistance?

3. What does Titus find ironic?

4. What becomes the newest fashion?

5. What does the family do with the dishes and table?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the dilemma Titus experiences as he tries to buy an upcar.

2. Explain what Violet tells Titus about Central America, and what he hears on the radio.

3. Explain how Link received his name.

4. Explain why Violet wants to try to resist the feed.

5. Explain why Titus enjoys Violet so much.

6. Explain the discomfort between Titus and Violet as they are lying on the grass outside her home.

7. Why is Titus uneasy around Violet?

8. Explain what happens during Spin the Bottle.

9. What does Violet chat to Titus about her family, and their feeds?

10. Describe Titus and Violet's fight about the state of America, and why it made Titus feel stupid.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The novel makes a strong point about the teens level of consumerism, in that the teenagers are constantly bombarded with advertisements and changes to fashion. Locate examples of these fashion changes throughout the book. What are the examples? Why do the teenagers automatically follow them? What happens toward the end of the book that makes the teenager's freeze? What do you think the author is saying about consumerism?

Essay Topic 2

A strong theme running through the novel is the danger of a strong reliance of technology, and what can happen to any society that is fed information, as opposed to a society who freely seeks information. Choose three examples in the novel where a heavy reliance on the technology of the feed is detrimental to society. Be sure to list not only the example, but also explain why that example shows a detrimental situation for society. How could that example be different if the society was one in which information had to be obtained, instead of being fed to consumers?

Essay Topic 3

In the novel, there are several examples of teenage relationships. Choose one of the following pairs, and analyze the relationship. Is it a friendship, or a romance, or both? What is the relationship based on? Is it mutual, or primarily one sided? Do you think it is indicative of modern teenage relationship? Why or why not?

1. Violet and Titus.

2. Titus and Quendy

3. Titus and Link

4. Link and Calista

(see the answer keys)

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