Feed Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Matthew Tobin Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feed Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Matthew Tobin Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the President's speech indicate on page 85?

2. Why can't Titus discover where he is?

3. Where do the teens go in order to have fun in low gravity?

4. What does Titus notice at the end of 'Undervalued Truffle'?

5. What is 'Nature vs. Nurture'?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Titus is speaking of the sale at Weatherbee & Crotch, what does he say, and what does his tone and choice of words convey?

2. Already in the story to this point, it is clear that Titus and Violet are beginning to have a relationship. Describe how the author has already implied this in the novel.

3. Titus is freely willing to trade mega corporations his personal information and allow them to control him if it means he gets everything he wants. Does this seem to be a good deal to you?

4. Describe the television show "based on a true story" advertised at the end of 'The Nose Grid'.

5. Describe what happens when the feed is turned back on.

6. Titus mentions they will be offline for a while, so the police can pull off information to use against the hacker. Do you think it would be fair to pull data from a computer in your brain to use, without your express permission?

7. Explain the protests about the moon.

8. What do you think happened in 'Nudging'? Was Titus dreaming, or were the police or the hacker group sifting through his feed?

9. Describe how you perceive the teenagers by this point in the novel.

10. Why does Titus claim the moon is boring and 'sucky'?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Violet's character is unique in the novel, in that she is a traditionalist, whereas Titus is not. Compare and contrast Violet's character with those of Titus and his friends. How is she similar? How is she different? What are these differences? Why do you think such differences exist? What does this say about the effect of the feed and of social class on the characters in the book?

Essay Topic 2

In "Feed", many of the teens completely lose their individuality as the feed pushes them to conform to a specific marketing profile. This is symbolized at the end of the novel, when hipsters are hit with Nostalgic Feedback. Explain what Nostalgic Feedback is, and what it does. Next, explain how people like Quendy and Loga completely lose their own identities when they conform to the marketing concept. Finally, explain Violet's point, that there is a spiral between people and marketers that makes everything and everyone more basic and simple. What does she mean by this?

Essay Topic 3

One of the background themes in the novel is the difference in social class between Violet and Titus. Describe the social class of each character, and compare and contrast them. What are similarities and differences? How do the social class differences affect their relationship? Does social class play a role in Violet's death? How?

(see the answer keys)

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