Feathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Frannie's sister named Lila?
(a) After her mother's great-grandmother.
(b) Sean picked the name.
(c) After her mother's favorite flower.
(d) After Frannie's father's sister.

2. What does most of the class do after learning the reason for Trevor's absence?
(a) Ask Rayray where he's being taken.
(b) Laugh.
(c) Make plans to send him a card.
(d) Ask Mrs. Johnson to go home.

3. What is Maribel playing on the playground?
(a) Jacks.
(b) Down, down baby.
(c) Jump rope.
(d) Hopscotch.

4. What does Frannie put in the pot she's using to cook rice?
(a) Salt and water.
(b) Water and cheese.
(c) Butter and water.
(d) Water and milk.

5. What has Frannie written below her name on her notebook?
(a) The date.
(b) Her wish for something new to happen.
(c) The day's assignments.
(d) Her brother's name.

6. What does Frannie say she plans to name her own daughter some day?
(a) Abigail R.ose.
(b) Lila Beth.
(c) LilyRose.
(d) Lily Joy

7. How long have Samantha and Frannie been friends?
(a) Since kindergarten.
(b) Since first grade.
(c) Since Christmas.
(d) Since the first of the school year.

8. What does Mrs. Johnson say the new boy's name is?
(a) Jeremiah.
(b) Jesus.
(c) Frannie doesn't remember.
(d) Moses.

9. What is the name of the church Samantha's family attends?
(a) Our Holy Father.
(b) Mount Ephesus.
(c) OnePeople.
(d) First Baptist.

10. Who does Frannie and Daddy pass as they are leaving their building?
(a) The weekend doorman.
(b) An old man looking for the key to his mailbox.
(c) A little boy bouncing a ball .
(d) A mother pushing a stroller with twins inside.

11. Why is the class cheering that morning?
(a) They will have tacos for lunch.
(b) They're getting a new student.
(c) They are getting a free period .
(d) They're going to be allowed to go outside.

12. Which of the following is among the things in the lobby of Frannie's apartment building?
(a) A painting of a dog chasing a fox.
(b) A stack of boxes.
(c) A fire place.
(d) An old-fashioned counter .

13. What does Mama say surreal means?
(a) Very, very real.
(b) Like a dream.
(c) Imaginary.
(d) Old.

14. Where does Daddy and Frannie go together that Saturday?
(a) To Frannie's grandmother's house.
(b) To a burger place for lunch.
(c) To the park.
(d) To buy groceries.

15. What color are the pants the new boy is wearing?
(a) Red.
(b) Blue.
(c) Brown.
(d) Black.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Samantha say about telling her father that she believes the new boy might be Jesus?

2. What time does Mama get up on Saturday?

3. What happens when Frannie touches the surface of the tiny creek with her boot?

4. What's the news Daddy shares that explains why Mama is tired?

5. What's Sean's response when Daddy says he's to wash the dishes?

(see the answer keys)

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