Fear: Trump in the White House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear: Trump in the White House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What three countries are included in the NAFTA agreement?
(a) United States, Britain, Germany.
(b) Canada, Mexico, Alaska.
(c) United States, Canada, Mexico.
(d) France, Germany, Italy.

2. On what condition did Gary Cohn take the position of the Director of National Economic Council?
(a) He had the final decision about economic decisions.
(b) He would only answer to the president.
(c) Any economic business had to run through him.
(d) He could appoint his own staff.

3. How many electoral votes are required to win the Presidency of the United States?
(a) 270.
(b) 205.
(c) 320.
(d) 50.

4. Who was blamed for weakening the United States's relationship with Israel?
(a) President Trump.
(b) Senator Graham.
(c) President Obama.
(d) General Kelly.

5. How did President Obama choose to confront Russian leadership about voter hacking?
(a) He sent John O. Brennan to meet privately with his Russian counterpart.
(b) He decided not to do anything.
(c) He sent a telegram to Vladimir Putin.
(d) He announced it during a press conference.

6. What was Gary Cohn's overall assessment of the U.S. economy?
(a) It could not be worse.
(b) It is headed for a recession.
(c) He did not have an opinion.
(d) Overall it is in okay shape.

7. What presidential candidate did the Russians reportedly prefer in the 2016 election?
(a) Ben Carson.
(b) Hillary Clinton.
(c) Bernie Sanders.
(d) Donald Trump.

8. How did General Jack Keane feel about Barak Obama's foreign policy?
(a) He was too timid.
(b) He was very effective.
(c) He wasn't well informed.
(d) He was too confrontational.

9. What was Steve Bannon's answer to Donald Trump's question about his chances of being elected president?
(a) 100%.
(b) No way.
(c) 50-50.
(d) Drop out of the race now.

10. What position did Reince Priebus hold during the 2016 election?
(a) Chairman of the Democratic Caucus.
(b) Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
(c) Chairman of the Board.
(d) Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

11. Who negotiated a deal with China to import chicken and export beef?
(a) Peter Navarro.
(b) James Comey.
(c) Wilbur Ross.
(d) Lindsey Graham.

12. Who was the Navy SEAL killed in the failed January 2017 raid on Yemen?
(a) Owen Ryan Williams.
(b) Randy Owens.
(c) William "Ryan" Owens.
(d) Ryan Williams.

13. In what year did Steve Bannon and David Bossie meet with Donald Trump to talk about running for president?
(a) 2010.
(b) 2001.
(c) 2012.
(d) 2015.

14. What was the maximum amount an individual could contribute to a candidate in 2010?
(a) $4,000.
(b) $2,400.
(c) $5,000.
(d) $2,000.

15. Who did the Republican party propose as an alternative candidate to replace Trump?
(a) Steve Bannon.
(b) Mike Pence.
(c) James Clapper.
(d) Reince Priebus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the senator who recommended that the Republican party back Mike Pence for president instead of Donald Trump?

2. Who was Chris Christie?

3. What was President Trump's reaction when he heard about the sarin gas attack?

4. Which two advisers to President Trump have no previous government experience?

5. What did Trump do after he ordered the airstrike on Syria?

(see the answer keys)

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