Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Thompson ask his lawyer to drive in Part 1, Chapter 1?
(a) Thompson is sleepy.
(b) Thompson wants to work on his computer.
(c) Thompson is having hallucinations.
(d) It is his lawyer's car.

2. Why was Muhammad Ali sentenced, according to a newspaper Thompson reads while waiting for his car in Chapter 1, Chapter 9?
(a) For refusing to obey the draft.
(b) For beating his wife.
(c) For cheating in the ring.
(d) For hitting a man on the street.

3. How much is Thompson given for his trip to Las Vegas?
(a) $700.
(b) $1,000.
(c) $300.
(d) $500.

4. Where do the journalists go after the race begins?
(a) Back to their hotels, the race will last about seven hours.
(b) Nowhere.
(c) To the finish line.
(d) To the bar at the race track.

5. What does Thompson do while he is drinking at the end of Part 1, Chapter 5?
(a) Watch a baseball game on the bar television.
(b) Talk to his mom on the phone.
(c) Take notes on what he has seen.
(d) Try to pick-up a female reporter.

6. What does Thompson say they must get before they can leave for Las Vegas?
(a) Cocaine and luggage.
(b) A tape recorder, a gun, and some maps.
(c) A car and their astrology forecast for predicting their gambling.
(d) A car, cocaine and a tape recorder.

7. Who does the hotel in Part 1, Chapter 10 think is paying Thompson’s hotel bill?
(a) Dr. Gonzo.
(b) Raoul Duke.
(c) His lawyer.
(d) Thompson.

8. How does Thompson think he might find out who won the Mint 400?
(a) Reading the L.A. Times.
(b) Looking at the videos he took.
(c) Calling his photographer.
(d) Getting the local Las Vegas paper.

9. What is the lawyer doing when Thompson returns to the hotel room in Part 1, Chapter 7?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Stabbing the pillows with a letter opener.
(c) Taking a bath.
(d) Talking on the phone.

10. Why is the lawyer upset at the photographer sent for Thompson?
(a) The lawyer does not want to have to follow the photographer and Thompson around.
(b) The photographer made a remark about the lawyer’s brains.
(c) The lawyer thinks the photographer took a woman from the lawyer.
(d) He does not like to have his picture taken.

11. Why does Thompson decide in Part 1, Chapter 11 that he has two more hours before the law begins to look for him?
(a) No one does anything early in the morning in Las Vegas, even law officers.
(b) He can be out of Nevada in two hours.
(c) Check-out time at the hotel is not until noon.
(d) The maids won’t clean his suite for another two hours.

12. What did the person Thompson mentioned when talking about the long term effects of drug use do when Thompson asked him/her a question?
(a) He tells Thompson that one has to find their own answers.
(b) He slaps Thompson in the face.
(c) He lies to Thompson.
(d) He hums to himself and does not notice Thompson.

13. What does Thompson tell his lawyer they must do before dark in Part 1, Chapter 4?
(a) Go to the Mint 400 racetrack.
(b) Call his house.
(c) Find a burlesque show.
(d) Try to earn some money at blackjack.

14. What is on the news at the first hotel that disturbs the attorney?
(a) A piece about the Laos invasion.
(b) Advertising for a rival firm.
(c) A horror flick.
(d) The swearing in of a new Supreme Court justice.

15. What does the lawyer do when he begins to feel the effects of the mescaline in Part 1, Chapter 6?
(a) He panics.
(b) He passes out.
(c) He throws up.
(d) He gets up on the stage.

Short Answer Questions

1. Under what name is Thompson going in the hotel in Part 1, Chapter 10?

2. What is in the car Thompson has in Part 1, Chapter 9?

3. What does Thompson think, in the beginning of Chapter 12, is a real possibility for him?

4. What does Thompson do to keep the hitchhiker from getting suspicious as to the men’s condition in Part 1?

5. What kind of vehicle is provided for the journalists in Part 1, Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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