Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Miami in 1972, how do the sit-ins and protests compare to Thompson's experiences on other campaign trails?
(a) They are much wilder.
(b) They are completely effective.
(c) They are extremely mild.
(d) They are poorly organized.

2. In his memory of a previous campaign, what does Thompson realize about the police officers?
(a) They were unhelpful during the demonstration.
(b) They were deceived about danger they were facing.
(c) Some helped people while others hurt people.
(d) They did not wish to hurt anyone.

3. What does Thompson explain as being the result of an intense situation in regards to the reserve personnel during a campaign?
(a) The people grow touchier.
(b) The people isolate themselves.
(c) The people act out.
(d) The people begin to rebel against their tight schedule.

4. Why must Thompson strictly adhere to the schedule set forth by the Rolling Stone?
(a) He has a book coming out from their press.
(b) He owes the editors of Rolling Stone many favors.
(c) His contractual agreements.
(d) He will be blacklisted if he does not.

5. What is the name of the poem that ends "November Concluded?"
(a) "A Dream Deferred."
(b) "Be Angry at the Sun."
(c) "Ballad of the Skeletons."
(d) "Howl."

6. According to Thompson, what concept really controls the voting and polls in politics?
(a) Perception of the candidate.
(b) The stance on the Vietnam War.
(c) How well the politicians can speak.
(d) The intensity a politician will bring to a speech.

7. Fill in the blanks: According to Thompson, American politics have changed from being based on "charisma" to "_______ and ________."
(a) Smoke and mirrors.
(b) Perception and reality.
(c) Ink and blood.
(d) Truth and lies.

8. Who does Thompson quote when he says, "Richard Nixon represents the dark side of the American spirit?"
(a) John Kennedy.
(b) George McGovern.
(c) Timothy Leary.
(d) Bobby Kennedy.

9. What did Eagleton refuse to disclose to the public and to his own party?
(a) His police records.
(b) Mental health records.
(c) His military records.
(d) His marriage license.

10. During "August," what concerns are raised about Frank Mankiewicz on the campaign trail?
(a) Mankiewicz cannot handle publicity.
(b) Mankiewicz is not tough enough on McGovern.
(c) Mankiewicz is increasingly more volatile.
(d) Mankiewicz is intoxicated in public too often.

11. Fill in the blanks: Regarding the combination of alcohol and marijuana, one of the female reporters describes taking the drugs as the adult version of ______ and _______.
(a) Milk and cookies.
(b) Cigarettes and coffee.
(c) Caffeine and sugar.
(d) Soda and chips.

12. In "November Continued," who is barred from flying with Thompson and the others on their plane?
(a) The journalists.
(b) The stewardesses.
(c) The political staff.
(d) The politician's families.

13. What does Thompson allude to having happened with the female reporter who indulged in both marijuana and alcohol?
(a) She would pass out in the aisle.
(b) She would proposition Thompson.
(c) She would partake in cocaine with Thompson.
(d) She slept with the pilot mid-flight.

14. During "August," from his memory of a previous campaign, what is Thompson primarily concerned about?
(a) Recording every badge number of every police officer who used unnecessary force.
(b) Hanging on to his bag of marijuana.
(c) Washing the gas from his eyes.
(d) Helping a young hippie get some first aid.

15. At the writing of this book, what do Americans realize about politics?
(a) American votes do force change.
(b) Politicians cannot readily pull troops in and out of a country.
(c) They are deceptive.
(d) Politicians are not really in charge.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Thompson describe the unity sought by the journalists who indulged in some of the more raucous behaviors?

2. Who is the author of the poem at the end of "November Concluded?"

3. What are some of the activities that take place on the wilder plane during the campaign?

4. What two archetypes does Thompson use to further his comparison of two of the candidates to the Yin/Yang?

5. What is the name of the airplane which carries the reserve personnel during the campaign of 1972?

(see the answer keys)

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