Faust. Part Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. Part Two Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mephistopheles tell Helen that frightens her in Scene 1 of Act III?
(a) That her husband intends to sacrifice her.
(b) That the servants are planning on killing her.
(c) That she will quicly grow old and ugly.
(d) The he is going to eat her.

2. In Act IV, what do the clouds eventually transform into in Scene 1?
(a) The form of a dove.
(b) The form of Gretchen.
(c) The form of Euphorion.
(d) They completely evaporate and are formless.

3. What does the emperor give the Arch-Chamberlain in Scene 3 of Act IV?
(a) Some gold coins.
(b) A chicken.
(c) A watch.
(d) Rings.

4. What country is the setting of Scene 1 in Act III?
(a) Sparta.
(b) The country is not given.
(c) Germany.
(d) Egypt.

5. What is the name of Faust's lookout?
(a) Lynceus.
(b) Menelaus.
(c) Mephisotopheles.
(d) Penthalis.

6. How does the chorus describe Menelaus in Scene 1 of Act III?
(a) As a villan.
(b) As a coward.
(c) They do not mention Menelaus.
(d) As a hero.

7. How does Faust account for the formation of mountains and valleys in Act IV?
(a) He does not know how they came to be.
(b) He thinks they were created gradually over time.
(c) He thinks they were created in one grand event.
(d) He thinks the mountains were created instantly, but the valleys shaped slowly over millenia.

8. At the end of Act IV, what is the outlook of the emperor in regards to his kingdom?
(a) He is hopeful it will prosper.
(b) He thinks things wil go back to how they were before the war.
(c) He fears it will be ruined by extortion of the church.
(d) He fears it will be conquered by another rival.

9. Who does Mephistopheles disguise himself as in Act III?
(a) Faust.
(b) Wagner.
(c) A phorkyad.
(d) Menelaus.

10. What follows Mephistopheles and Helen as they flee at the end of Scene 1 in Act III?
(a) A group of phorkyads.
(b) Paris.
(c) A dark cloud.
(d) Several hopeful suitors for Helen.

11. What prohibits Speed-booty and Havequick from packing away a pile of gold on their backs?
(a) They trip over some ropes and become entangled in the tent.
(b) The weight of the gold is too much to lift.
(c) A hole in the apron they pack the gold in.
(d) They become weak from the fighting and have to rest.

12. What is the name of the leader of the chorus?
(a) Euphorion.
(b) Icarus.
(c) Lynceus.
(d) Penthalis.

13. What remains of Euphorion after his fall?
(a) His money.
(b) A small ring of flowers.
(c) His clothing.
(d) A painting of his face.

14. Who take Euphorion's clothing?
(a) No one takes his clothing.
(b) Faust.
(c) Helen.
(d) Mephistopheles.

15. Where does Faust and Helen flee to at the end of Scene 2 in Act III?
(a) Germany.
(b) Arcadia.
(c) Troy.
(d) Their place of refuge is not named.

Short Answer Questions

1. What power does Mephistopheles first offer Faust in Scene 1 of Act IV?

2. Where does Faust land at the beginning of Act IV?

3. What does Menelaus order Helen to do before he left her in Scene 1 of Act III?

4. What item does Havequick first want to plunder from the emperor in Scene 3 of Act IV?

5. Where have Faust and Helen been staying in Scene 3 of Act III?

(see the answer keys)

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