Faust. Part Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. Part Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who must Faust go to, in order to conjure Helen and Paris?
(a) The Mothers.
(b) The Fates.
(c) The Graces.
(d) Mephistopheles.

2. What is the opinion of the women of the court of Helen?
(a) They are indifferent to her.
(b) They are jealous of her.
(c) They try to emulate her.
(d) They adore her.

3. What is the name of the daughter of Nereus, who is expected to return to the sea in Act II?
(a) Penelope.
(b) Thessalonia.
(c) Helen.
(d) Galatea.

4. What is the setting in the beginning of Act II?
(a) A pleasing countryside.
(b) Ancient Greece.
(c) Faust's study.
(d) The imperial court.

5. What event prompts Anaxagoras to believe he won the philosophical debate in Scene 3 of Act II?
(a) The appearance of volcano.
(b) The lunar eclipse that takes place.
(c) The arrival of a flock of birds.
(d) The fall of a meteor, which disrupts the landscape.

6. Who does the Emperor ask to see in the beginning of Scene 2 of Act I?
(a) The treasurer.
(b) The fool.
(c) The chancellor.
(d) His wiseman.

7. According to Faust's dream, who is the father of Helen?
(a) Hades.
(b) Jupiter.
(c) Jason.
(d) Hercules.

8. What holiday is the court preparing to celebrate in Act I?
(a) Carnival.
(b) May Day.
(c) Winter Solstice.
(d) Day of the Kings.

9. What type of creature is Chiron?
(a) A centaur.
(b) A faun.
(c) A demi-god.
(d) A nymph.

10. Who sings a song of rejuvenation to Faust?
(a) Helen.
(b) Ariel.
(c) The flowers.
(d) Fairies of the field.

11. Which mythical group suggests that Faust seek out Chiron?
(a) The sphinxes.
(b) The fates.
(c) The ogres.
(d) The sirens.

12. What is the job of Nereus?
(a) He is the protector of ships.
(b) His job is not given in the novel.
(c) He is the guardian of the sea.
(d) He is the servant of Neptune.

13. What token does Mephistopheles give Lady to help her regain the affection of her lover in Scene 6 of Act I?
(a) A stone.
(b) A feather.
(c) A coal.
(d) A flower.

14. What is the opinion of the women of the court of Paris?
(a) They are indifferent to him.
(b) They are jealous of him.
(c) They find him beautiful.
(d) They dislike him.

15. What must Faust descend through to read the location given by the prophetess in Act II?
(a) The Temple of Apollo.
(b) The home of Hades.
(c) The Garden of Eden.
(d) The Temple of Demetrius.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the shape-shifting god of forms, who homunculus is advised to seek out in the end of Scene 3 in Act II?

2. What does Faust distribute to the crowd in Scene 3 of Act I?

3. According to Mephistopheles, what must one possess to receive miracles?

4. Which famous figure did Chiron tutor?

5. Who is the first mind that is read by the homunculus?

(see the answer keys)

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