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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Mephistopheles forced to wear while waiting for the witch?
2. After he drinks the potion, what does Faust want to do?
3. Why is Faust unhappy with his life's work?
4. What does Mephistopheles give all the men in the tavern?
5. For what reasons do Faust and Mephistopheles visit a witch?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Martha suggest Gretchen do with the second box of jewelry in "The Neighbor's House"?
2. How do Faust and Mephistopheles plan to get the girl for Faust at the end of "A Street"?
3. Describe the differing opinions of Gretchen, her mother, and Martha about the mysterious jewels.
4. How does Faust feel about the mystery girl he sees in the mirror and in the street?
5. Why does Mephistopheles have no power over the girl with whom Faust is obsessed?
6. Describe the actions of the baboons in "A Witch's Kitchen."
7. What is the fate of the first box of jewels that Mephistopheles secretly leaves Gretchen and why?
8. What does Mephistopheles suggest to Gretchen about marriage and why?
9. Describe the steps taken to make Faust appear younger.
10. What happens when Mephistopheles and Faust go to the tavern in Leipzig?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write a brief essay about "Faust" as both a comedy and a tragedy in the following format:
Part 1) Definitions of comedy and tragedy.
Part 2) The tragic element of "Faust."
Part 3) The characterizations of "Faust."
Part 4) The comedic scenes.
Part 5) The satire and parodies found in "Faust."
Be sure to end the essay with a reiteration of your own conclusions on this question, and cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.
Essay Topic 2
How does Faust's innate skepticism of higher powers help lead to his downfall? How is this related to his agreement to Mephistopheles's bargain? In addition to his doubts about Mephistopheles's power, why does this lead Faust into a troubled relationship with God? How and why does Faust retain this skepticism throughout the play? What does this suggest about his character as a whole? Discuss these questions (though not exclusively) in a brief essay about Faust's skepticism while using strong examples from the text to support these arguments.
Essay Topic 3
What is significant about the character of Mephistopheles being portrayed as charming and charismatic? How does this affect the balance of good versus evil, as well as the relationship between God and the devil? How do people react to Mephistopheles, particularly Faust and Gretchen? What is important about Martha's attempted seduction of Mephistopheles? How does this relate to his overall disdain of the human race? What does this suggest about his role in the world? Cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.
This section contains 1,091 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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