Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Valentine currently feel about Gretchen?
(a) He feels a murderous hatred towards her.
(b) He is furious with her.
(c) He is sympathetic towards her.
(d) He feels nothing but love and understanding for her.

2. What does Faust attempt to bring Gretchen during "The Street Outside Gretchen's Door"?
(a) A bottle of wine.
(b) A ring.
(c) A flower.
(d) A necklace.

3. What does Mephistopheles mock to Faust after Gretchen leaves in "Martha's Garden?"
(a) Faust's infatuation with Gretchen.
(b) Gretchen's dislike for men.
(c) Gretchen's willingness to believe Faust will marry her.
(d) Gretchen's concern for Faust's soul.

4. Why does Gretchen say she no longer has in "A Prison"?
(a) Anger.
(b) Love.
(c) Despair.
(d) Hope.

5. Where does Mephistopheles urge Faust to go at the end of "A Forest Cavern"?
(a) Home.
(b) Church.
(c) Gretchen's bed.
(d) Martha's garden.

6. What is the purpose of the item Faust gives Gretchen at the end of "Martha's Garden"?
(a) She will understand him better after reading the book.
(b) She should pluck its petals to see if he loves her.
(c) It will be a token of their secret engagement.
(d) It will put her mother to sleep.

7. What is the Huckster-Witch attempting to do during "Walpurgis Night"?
(a) Sell her wares.
(b) Cast spells of old age on the rest of the witches.
(c) Pickpocket Faust.
(d) Sell her body.

8. How does Lieschen feel about Barbara?
(a) She thinks that Barbara deserves nothing but help and sympathy.
(b) She is afraid of Barbara and her bad luck.
(c) She believes Barbara is being unfairly maligned, but Barbara has no one to blame but herself.
(d) She believes Barbara is getting what she deserves.

9. Along with the death of Valentine, what else is tormenting Gretchen?
(a) Her excommunication.
(b) The murder of Martha.
(c) The death of her mother.
(d) Her rape by Mephistopheles.

10. Initially, what is the only thing Gretchen recognizes as Faust when he is in her prison cell?
(a) His eyes.
(b) His hands.
(c) His voice.
(d) His lips.

11. What has worsened Barbara's plight, according to Lieschen?
(a) Barbara has recently been robbed and has no money.
(b) Barbara is very ill.
(c) Barbara has renounced God.
(d) The father of Barbara's baby has run away.

12. Why does Faust fear Mephistopheles's influence over his happiness with Gretchen in "A Cavern"?
(a) He knows Gretchen is protected by God.
(b) He knows Gretchen fears Mephistopheles.
(c) He knows Mephistopheles wants Gretchen for himself.
(d) He knows Mephistopheles could take everything away.

13. Why does Gretchen choose this particular person to pray to during "By a Shrine Inside the Town Wall, Night"?
(a) She feels only the Virgin Mary will understand her pain.
(b) She feels that she has become Mary Magdalene.
(c) She is afraid that she needs protection.
(d) She believes that Jesus will not judge her.

14. During "A Forest Cavern," who is Faust addressing in the beginning?
(a) Satan.
(b) Gretchen.
(c) God.
(d) A spirit.

15. What does Mephistopheles admit to Faust will happen when he (Faust) sleeps with Gretchen?
(a) Mephistopheles's influence over Gretchen will be broken.
(b) Mephistopheles will be powerless until Faust sleeps with Gretchen.
(c) Gretchen will no longer have the innocence to which Faust is so attracted.
(d) Mephistopheles will also get pleasure from the act.

Short Answer Questions

1. During "Martha's Garden," what does Gretchen discuss with Faust?

2. From what play are many of the characters in "A Walpurgis Night's Dream" drawn?

3. While being tormented in "A Cathedral," what does Gretchen imagine happening?

4. How is most of "A Walpurgis's Night Dream" presented?

5. What does Gretchen believe is on Faust's hand when she tries to hold it in her cell?

(see the answer keys)

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