Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ultimately, in "Prelude on the Stage," what does the director decide to do with their play?
(a) Take suggestions from the audience and create a play.
(b) They will perform a classic tragedy instead of their play.
(c) Take the audience on a journey from heaven to hell.
(d) Perform a comedy.

2. What effects are had on the men in the tavern due to Mephistopheles's presence?
(a) They begin to speak in tongues.
(b) Three of the men die.
(c) They begin to hallucinate.
(d) They begin to fall asleep.

3. What does Mephistopheles advise Martha to do in terms of grieving her husband?
(a) He tells her to grieve for the appropriate time and then find a new husband.
(b) He tells her that God will punish her if she ever speaks a word against her husband.
(c) He tells her to grieve for him for the rest of her life.
(d) He tells her that she deserves to move on immediately.

4. What does Faust believe about the girl he sees the image of at the witch's house?
(a) She will save his soul.
(b) She holds paradise in her body.
(c) She is his daughter.
(d) She is the reincaration of his late wife.

5. What is the fate of the box of jewelry when Gretchen shows it to her mother?
(a) Gretchen sold the jewelry and gave the money to charity.
(b) Gretchen buried it in the garden.
(c) Gretchen had to give it to her priest.
(d) Gretchen throws the jewelry away.

6. When Faust is interrupted in his suicide attempt, what refreshes his faith in God?
(a) The sunlight.
(b) The priests doing charitable works.
(c) The Easter hymnals.
(d) A child praying.

7. What does Wagner point out to Faust as they walk with their townspeople?
(a) The people are confused by Faust's presence.
(b) The poor people who have faith in God look at life less seriously than Faust.
(c) The people are bitter because of their lot in life.
(d) The people highly respect Faust.

8. Who does Faust initially believe Mephistopheles to be?
(a) A barrister.
(b) A priest.
(c) A student.
(d) A broker.

9. From what does the witch read before giving Faust his potion to appear younger?
(a) The Necronomicon.
(b) The Book of Kells.
(c) The Old Testament backwards.
(d) A spellbook.

10. What does Mephistopheles promise Gretchen at the end of "The Neighbor's House"?
(a) He will try to hire her for some tailor work.
(b) He will sell the jewelry for her.
(c) He will introduce her to Faust.
(d) He will say a prayer for her.

11. What does Martha admit about the second box of jewelry?
(a) The jewelry is probably heaven-sent.
(b) The jewelry is very likely stolen.
(c) She feels uneasy around the jewelry.
(d) The jewelry is gaudy.

12. What are Mephistopheles and Faust contemplating at the end of "A Street"?
(a) The effects of the witch's potion.
(b) The affect the girl's saintly disposition has on Mephistopheles.
(c) Gifts for the girl.
(d) The girl's name.

13. What does Martha believe about her abusive husband?
(a) He is jealous of her wealth.
(b) He is dead.
(c) He is traveling abroad with his mistress.
(d) He is going to kill her one day.

14. What is Faust's method of suicide when he contemplates ending his life?
(a) Poison.
(b) Dagger to the heart.
(c) Gunshot to the head.
(d) Self-immolation.

15. .0 0..........Mephistopheles has become bored because there is no challenge in ________ mankind anymore.
(a) Helping.
(b) Killing.
(c) Tormenting.
(d) Loving.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the clown profess to wanting for this play during "Prelude on the Stage"?

2. What does Faust admit to Mephistopheles in the second "Faust's Study"?

3. What does Faust threaten to do if Mephistopheles is unable to get the girl he is obsessed with for him?

4. How does Mephistopheles give Martha contradicting statements about her husband in "The Neighbor's House"?

5. Why does Gretchen wish to keep the jewelry Faust and Mephistopheles secretly leave for her?

(see the answer keys)

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