Faust. First Part Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Faust's Study (I & II) and Auerbach's Tavern in Leipzig.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what time does "Prelude on the Stage" take place?
(a) The past.
(b) Present time for the production.
(c) The future.
(d) The present as it was when the play was written.

2. What does the author profess sadness over in "Dedication"?
(a) The modern world moves too fast for the author.
(b) The author has decided to end his own life.
(c) The author has recently realized that he is an atheist.
(d) Those who were around him while he was writing "Faust" are long dead.

3. In regards to their bargain, what does Faust make Mephistopheles agree to before signing the pledge?
(a) Mephistopheles must allow Faust to become younger.
(b) Mephistopheles must pray with him every day.
(c) Mephistopheles must appear as an animal.
(d) Mephistopheles must bring Faust pleasure in life.

4. Where does the poodle transform into Mephistopheles?
(a) In plain sight of Faust.
(b) Under the couch.
(c) In the next room.
(d) Behind the stove.

5. How does Mephistopheles feel about mankind?
(a) He feels as if they are a great amusement.
(b) He feels that they are misguided creatures.
(c) He looks down upon them.
(d) He feels they are worthy of his attention.

Short Answer Questions

1. What interrupts Faust when he tries to commit suicide?

2. What does Faust begin to read in the first scene called "Faust's Study"?

3. How does Mephistopheles entertain the crowd during "Auerbach's Tavern"?

4. What does Wagner point out to Faust as they walk with their townspeople?

5. For what are the archangels praising God in the beginning of the play?

(see the answer key)

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