Fathers and Sons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fathers and Sons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Bazarov take a walk the next morning?
(a) Around a lake
(b) The local park
(c) Along the riverside
(d) The woods

2. Who occasionally addresses the reader?
(a) The author
(b) Arkady
(c) Anna
(d) Bazarov

3. In what way does Arkady say Katya is like Anna?
(a) She is funny
(b) She is beautiful
(c) She has dark hair
(d) She is independent

4. What does Bazarov do while Arkady is away from the farm?
(a) Conducts experiments
(b) Drinks
(c) Argues with Pavel
(d) Lies in the sun

5. Which character in the book says "such women are not common nowadays."
(a) Bazarov
(b) Nikolai
(c) Vassily
(d) The author

6. What has Arkady requested in his letter to Anna?
(a) To marry Katya
(b) For Katya to live with him
(c) To live at Nikolskoe
(d) To marry Anna

7. Why can Pavel not make suggestions about how to run the farm?
(a) He is not trained in such matters
(b) He does not like the farm
(c) It will cost him money
(d) His brother has to sort out his own problems

8. What does Arkady discover that his father has?
(a) A deadly illness
(b) Gold
(c) An ancient book of medicine
(d) Letters from Katya's mother

9. What illness does the man who visits Bazarov have?
(a) Scurvy
(b) Consumption
(c) Flu
(d) Typhus

10. Who does Anna bring with her?
(a) A British physician
(b) A German physician
(c) Arkady
(d) A priest

11. What is the name of Bazarov's mother?
(a) Arlena
(b) Sonja
(c) Anna
(d) Arina

12. What does Pavel challenge Bazarov to?
(a) A game of cards
(b) A soccer match
(c) A wrestle
(d) A duel

13. What does Arkady think there may be value in?
(a) Money and music
(b) Marriage
(c) Family and security
(d) Nature and romance

14. Where would turning left take the two young men?
(a) To the farm
(b) A bordello
(c) To Anna and Katya
(d) St. Petersburg

15. What does Arkady want Nikolai to do with Fenitchka?
(a) Make her into a servant
(b) Send her abroad
(c) Marry her
(d) Throw her out

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Bazorov's father?

2. What time in the morning does the duel take place?

3. How long has it been since Arina and Vassily have seen their son?

4. How does Arina react to seeing her son again?

5. What does Bazarov try to do with Fenitchka at the arbor?

(see the answer keys)

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