Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Vonnegut believe Christians have no alternative but to hate and then kill in imaginary self-defense?
(a) Christians know there is a time to kill, as well as a time to heal.
(b) They are trying to convert others but fail.
(c) Christians try and fail to love continually.
(d) The religious leaders encourage them to hate others.

2. What tough question does Vonnegut's book "Player Piano" ask?
(a) What are people for?
(b) When will there be world peace?
(c) Why do people hurt one another?
(d) What will happen to our planet in the future?

3. What does Vonnegut require of translators?
(a) They must speak Italian, English, as well as another language.
(b) They must do as he says.
(c) They must ask him many questions about his work.
(d) They must be more gifted writers than he and speak at least two languages, including his.

4. Vonnegut's 1990 article in the New York Times observes that American humorists/satirists grow to be what past a certain age?
(a) Enthusiastic optimists.
(b) Intolerably unfunny pessimists.
(c) Grumpy.
(d) Sarcastic old men.

5. To what does Vonnegut compare Bush's presidential campaign?
(a) Nazi propaganda.
(b) Pornographic sleaze.
(c) Perfect example of democracy.
(d) East Germany propaganda.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Vonnegut believe may unite mankind, by creating a generation that does not need to fight to be disillusioned by war?

2. How does Vonnegut describe Reagan's and Bush's war experiences?

3. How does Mark feel about the 1960s?

4. What features imperialism, the capture of other societies' lands, and treasure by arms?

5. Sufferers of what deficiency seek to become members of a crazy artificial extended family?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jane Cox deal with her loneliness when her children are grown and move out?

2. Why is the Italian translator, Roberta Rambelli, Vonnegut's favorite?

3. What are some examples of humorists who have lost their humor after a certain age? How has their humor been lost?

4. How are ex-hippies more scarred than Vietnam veterans?

5. Do you think, based on the information given, Rita Rait enjoys winning the limerick contest? Why or why not?

6. Although the subtitle of SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE is "The Children's Crusade," what are the average ages mentioned of those who died in war?

7. What does Vonnegut mean when he tells the MIT graduates that they have the power to turn loose or reign in enormous forces?

8. How has Vonnegut's belief in the cause of mental illness changed since the beginning of the book? Why?

9. What does the "Kilimanjaro Device" give as an alternative to Hemingway's shooting himself in the head?

10. How is RENAMO destroying the beautiful country of Mozambique?

(see the answer keys)

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