Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do many of Vonnegut's books, including this one, not include?
(a) Social groups.
(b) Mammals.
(c) Fantasy creatures.
(d) Individual human beings.

2. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, how many hours of television Failures of Christianity (murders) has one watched by graduation?
(a) 80 hours.
(b) 18,000 hours.
(c) 800 hours.
(d) 8,000 hours.

3. How does Mark feel about the 1960s?
(a) They are just as spaced-out, flaky, and self-absorbed times as depicted in movies.
(b) They are not spaced-out, flaky, or self-absorbed times as depicted in movies.
(c) They are even more spaced-out, flaky, ,and self-absorbed times than depicted in movies.
(d) Mark does not remember the 1960s.

4. To what does Vonnegut compare Bush's presidential campaign?
(a) East Germany propaganda.
(b) Nazi propaganda.
(c) Perfect example of democracy.
(d) Pornographic sleaze.

5. What is an example of a book that Vonnegut believes moralizes?
(a) "Lord of the Rings."
(b) "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."
(c) "Blubber."
(d) "Gulliver's Travels."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the author of THE KILIMANJARO DEVICE?

2. Why are Vonnegut's jokes not funny?

3. Vonnegut's 1990 article in the New York Times observes that American humorists/satirists grow to be what past a certain age?

4. What Joseph Conrad novel depicts whites as highly evolved and others as monkeys without tails?

5. How do jokes work?

Short Essay Questions

1. Name two things Vonnegut mentions in his letter to the future.

2. Although the subtitle of SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE is "The Children's Crusade," what are the average ages mentioned of those who died in war?

3. Why should many people take offense to privileged Vonnegut?

4. Why do the MIT graduates applaud politely but not take Vonnegut seriously?

5. What does the "Kilimanjaro Device" give as an alternative to Hemingway's shooting himself in the head?

6. How are ex-hippies more scarred than Vietnam veterans?

7. How has Vonnegut's belief in the cause of mental illness changed since the beginning of the book? Why?

8. What is Vonnegut's opinion on war?

9. How is RENAMO destroying the beautiful country of Mozambique?

10. What have other cultures done to oppress Germans and those of German descent?

(see the answer keys)

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