Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sponsors Vonnegut's 1990 trip to Mozambique?
(a) Audobon Society.
(b) CARE.
(c) World Vision.

2. What is World Vision?
(a) A Buddhist charity bringing peace to other cultures.
(b) An American Christian charity bringing supplies to refugees.
(c) An American optometrist organization bringing glasses to the underpriveledged.
(d) A Muslim organization bringing the teachings of Mohammed to other cultures.

3. Vonnegut's 1990 article in the New York Times observes that American humorists/satirists grow to be what past a certain age?
(a) Grumpy.
(b) Enthusiastic optimists.
(c) Sarcastic old men.
(d) Intolerably unfunny pessimists.

4. As a writer Vonnegut is an anthropologist and writes about what acculturated primitive people?
(a) Midwesterners.
(b) The people in "Skyscraper National Park."
(c) Native North Americans.
(d) The Mayans of Central America.

5. With whom does Vonnegut travel to Mozambique?
(a) Mark Vonnegut.
(b) Bill Pilgrim.
(c) Jill Krementz.
(d) John Yale.

6. From what event can ordinary humans not learn how much pain and humiliation to endure before calling an end to everything?
(a) Sending the Tibetans into exhile.
(b) Holocaust.
(c) Romans throwing the Christians to the lions.
(d) Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

7. To what does Vonnegut compare Bush's presidential campaign?
(a) Nazi propaganda.
(b) East Germany propaganda.
(c) Pornographic sleaze.
(d) Perfect example of democracy.

8. Why does Vonnegut feel out of intellectual step with his new neighbors in Cape Cod?
(a) He is not as intelligent as others in Cape Cod.
(b) He is a non-Anglo-Saxon.
(c) He is an Anglo-Saxon.
(d) He is not as wealthy as other in Cape Cod.

9. What is the name of the Bishop Vonnegut travels with to the Galapagos?
(a) Bishop Smith.
(b) Bishop Moore.
(c) Bishop Vale.
(d) Bishop Morgan.

10. What is the subtitle of SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE?
(a) "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
(b) "The Last Crusade."
(c) "The Children's Crusade."
(d) "A Mature Decision."

11. What will bust up all cultures and create a Third-World planet?
(a) Communism.
(b) Socialism.
(c) Colonialism.
(d) Capitalism.

12. What does Vonnegut never think he owes to himself or the world?
(a) To return to writing.
(b) To become a litigator.
(c) To write a book about Jackson Pollock.
(d) To forgive his mother.

13. What does Vonnegut compare to an alcoholic stockbroker not wanting his head in a Port Authority Bus Terminal toilet?
(a) Presidents Bush and Reagan.
(b) Third World Countries.
(c) Mozambicans.
(d) Western Civilization builds weapons and convinces civilians to hate groups of humanity, but they do not want big wars.

14. With what magazine does Vonnegut travel to Mozambique in 1990 to write an article?
(a) US News and World Report.
(b) Parade.
(c) The New Yorker.
(d) National Geographic.

15. What do many of Vonnegut's books, including this one, not include?
(a) Social groups.
(b) Fantasy creatures.
(c) Mammals.
(d) Individual human beings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the definition of this society of which Dr. Robert Redfield speaks?

2. How does Vonnegut's trip to Mozambique make him feel?

3. Those with addiction eventually hit rock bottom. Vonnegut believes Western Civilization hit rock bottom in World War I. Unlike those with addictions who admit that their addiction is ruining their lives, how does Western Civilization react to hitting rock bottom?

4. How does Vonnegut describe Reagan's and Bush's war experiences?

5. What is a scheme of self-defense that only maligned and oppressed minorities should be allowed to use?

(see the answer keys)

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