Fates Worse Than Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides Indianapolis what other U.S. city is designed by the architect L'Enfant?
(a) Seattle, Washington.
(b) Columbus, OH.
(c) Baltimore, MD.
(d) Washington, D.C.

2. What is one thing Vonnegut mentions in his letter to the future?
(a) Countries in the future should stop communicating with one another.
(b) Future generations need to use more petroleum for fuel.
(c) Leaders of the future should fix the environment issues through scientific discoveries.
(d) Today's rulers need to stop thinking science can fix anything for $1 trillion.

3. Who buys the lake house but allows Vonnegut and his bride to honeymoon there?
(a) A stranger.
(b) His sister.
(c) His friend O'Hare.
(d) His uncle.

4. What is the name of Vonnegut's unfinished book depicting a doctor using talk therapy at Auschwitz to treat staff members' depression?
(a) SS Psychiatrist.
(b) SS Therapist.
(c) SS Indianapolis.
(d) SS Auschwitz.

5. What tribal name do the Vonneguts give themselves?
(a) Black Feathers.
(b) Epta mayan-boys.
(c) Aztec-girls.
(d) Pottawatomie.

6. What causes the author's mother's untreated insanity?
(a) Alcohol and prescribed barbituates.
(b) A traumatic experience.
(c) Her mean husband.
(d) Her addiction to cocaine.

7. The Reverend finds "Slaughterhouse Five", as well as "Deliverance" and "Catcher in the Rye," falling short in what way?
(a) In promoting his religious quest.
(b) In engaging society in healthy practices.
(c) In Buddhist doctrines.
(d) In Christian behavior and attitudes.

8. How is the character Bill Pilgrim different from Joe Crone?
(a) Joe Crone starves himself to death, while Bill Pilgrim returns home to become an optometrist.
(b) Bill Pilgrim commits suicide, while Joe Crone become a doctor.
(c) They are from different cities in the United States.
(d) Bill Pilgrim is shy and sad, while Joe Crone is an enthusiastic extrovert.

9. Vonnegut believes that the goal in the U.S. is only to train intelligent, well-educated people to do what?
(a) Speak rudely and arrogantly.
(b) Speak cautiously and quietly.
(c) Speak stupidly and gain popularity.
(d) Speak slowly and carefully.

10. Where does Vonnegut attempt to get his own requiem mass translated into Latin but is denied?
(a) NYU.
(b) Columbia.
(c) SUNY Purchase.
(d) Fordham.

11. What does Vonnegut believe about professional artists' opinions on vocal third parties, such as critics, curators, and collectors?
(a) They love to create work for collectors.
(b) They are happiest when they do not have to worry about other's opinions.
(c) They like to receive criticism from third parties.
(d) They constantly ask for approval from critics, curators, and collectors.

12. Who is nearing economic, legal, and social equality only in Vonnegut's lifetime?
(a) Women and racial minorities.
(b) Animals.
(c) Children.
(d) Elderly people.

13. What happens to Algren that keeps Vonnegut from asking if Rushdie may join them at his party?
(a) He is already at the party.
(b) He does not answer the phone.
(c) He is not at home.
(d) He is dead of a heart attack.

14. Why does Vonnegut become cranky when hearing his requiem performed?
(a) The synthesizer music overpowers the lyrics.
(b) The choir mispronounces the lyrics.
(c) The synthesizer music is not loud enough.
(d) The choir director conducts too quickly.

15. Vonnegut is enthusiastic about Pollock's work, but what does he feel is missing from Pollock's paintings?
(a) A horizon.
(b) Organization.
(c) Human figures.
(d) Color.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what consisting of upper and lower houses is Hemingway a member?

2. Vonnegut laments that people can say atrocious things in public, but he is charged with encouraging what?

3. How much does Vonnegut believe is enough to make a masterpiece? Beyond that, it is like empty talk at the end of a party.

4. He says his father is a rarity among Hoosiers. What other fantasy creature does the author compare his father to?

5. He compares his adventures at Lake Maxincuckee to what explorer?

(see the answer keys)

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