Fate is the Hunter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fate is the Hunter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6 "Of Numbers - and Their Power to Reduce the Presumptuous Quickly".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of these men did not attend flight school with Gann?
(a) Carter.
(b) Mood.
(c) Owen.
(d) Jerry.

2. Gann spent some time between wars flying overseas; where did he fly?
(a) Australia.
(b) The South Pacific.
(c) Siberia.
(d) Antarctica.

3. In chapter 4, what do we learn has happened to Gann while flying with Ross?
(a) Gann's flying abilities are miserable.
(b) Gann decides that he does not want to fly anymore and quits.
(c) Gann's flying abilities have vastly improved.
(d) Gann feels ready to be a head pilot.

4. As more experienced pilots move into Gann's route, what happens to Gann?
(a) He is demoted back to co-pilot.
(b) He is paired with an experienced co-pilot.
(c) He is fired.
(d) He is given a promotion to captain.

5. How did Gann feel upon returning to his normal route after World War II?
(a) He was emotionally scarred from the war.
(b) He did not go back to that route.
(c) He loved returning to his normal route.
(d) The short route bored him.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the one occasion, Gann flies with Hughen. What is their route?

2. What types of trips will Gann be flying while at Newark?

3. What does Gann spend his time as a pilot doing?

4. When Gann discovers that his demonstration flight will be on a DC-2, how does he feel?

5. In the prologue, which co-pilot does Ernest mention?

(see the answer key)

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