Fasting, Feasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fasting, Feasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Mrs. Patton not been able to overcome?
(a) Her family's wish to eat meat.
(b) Her dislike of American culture.
(c) Her desire to stay at an Ashram for an extended time.
(d) Her feelings of inferiority.

2. Where is Melanie when it's time for dinner when Arun first arrives at the Patton home?
(a) Chasing the dog down the street.
(b) At a friend's house.
(c) Sitting on the stairs in the dark.
(d) In the attic searching for treasure.

3. What does Rod ask Arun to join Rod and do?
(a) Go to the movies with a friend.
(b) Go water skiing.
(c) Go fishing.
(d) Jog.

4. What does Arun have difficulty comprehending?
(a) The way Melanie's boyfriend treats her.
(b) Melanie's angst.
(c) Why Mrs. Patton refuses to see the truth about Melanie.
(d) Why Americans value pets so much.

5. What does Arun give Mrs. Patton as a parting gift?
(a) The shawl and tea.
(b) A vegetarian cookbook.
(c) A book on meditation.
(d) Nothing.

6. Who does not come to the table for dinner at the Patton house?
(a) Rod.
(b) Susie.
(c) Melanie and Susie.
(d) Melanie and Rod.

7. What does Arun do when Melanie responds to seeing him in the woods?
(a) Refuses to read to her.
(b) Drops the cat.
(c) He is at a loss and does nothing.
(d) Yells at the boyfriend.

8. Where is Melanie when Arun leaves the Patton household at the end of the book?
(a) At the movies with Rod.
(b) In an institution for those with eating disorders.
(c) Locked in her bedroom.
(d) Out with her boyfriend.

9. Why does Arun decline Rod and his father's invitation to join them?
(a) Arun is tired and wants to sleep.
(b) Arun is going out with a couple boys from India.
(c) Arun does not feel part of the family.
(d) Arun wants to call his father.

10. What does Mrs. Patton want Arun to teach her?
(a) The history of India.
(b) How to meditate.
(c) How to cook his favorite foods.
(d) The basics of the Hindi religion.

11. What does Arun see Melanie eating in the kitchen in Chapter 25?
(a) Ice cream.
(b) Donuts.
(c) Greasy ribs.
(d) Tablespoons of cocoa.

12. Where is Arun's father hoping Arun can continue his education?
(a) Englad.
(b) The United States.
(c) France.
(d) Calcutta University.

13. What almost physically repulses Arun on his next shopping trip with Mrs. Patton?
(a) Melanie's reaction to the food.
(b) The overweight people with shopping carts in the grocery store.
(c) The volume and choices in the grocery store.
(d) The smells in the grocery store.

14. What saves Arun from having to react any further to Melanie?
(a) Melanie's boyfriend orders Arun to leave.
(b) Melanie runs off.
(c) Rod comes walking up.
(d) Mrs. Patton arrives.

15. Where does Mrs. Patton invite Arun to accompany her and Melanie?
(a) The outdoor rock concert.
(b) The swimming hole.
(c) The movie theater.
(d) The park.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dr. Dutt say is wrong with Uma's mother?

2. Where does Mira-Masi go to live?

3. Why is Arun moving to the Patton home?

4. What does Uma do that astonishes Papa in Chapter 12?

5. What are Rod and father doing when Arun gets to the house after declining Rod's invitation?

(see the answer keys)

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