Fast Food Nation Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric Schlosser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fast Food Nation Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric Schlosser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the largest employer in Weld County, Colorado?
(a) Monfort.
(b) ConAgra.
(c) Armour.
(d) Swift.

2. What are long-haired, working class German fans of American heavy metal music called in Plauen?
(a) Die Heavies.
(b) Die Rockers.
(c) Die Metalheads.
(d) Die Hammers.

3. Cattle manure is not sent to waste treatment plants but dumped into ______.
(a) Irrigation ditches.
(b) Septic systems.
(c) City dumps.
(d) Lagoons.

4. Injured workers at IBP who can't claim worker's comp almost always sign a ________ or risk losing their jobs.
(a) Waiver.
(b) Consent form.
(c) Short-term contract.
(d) Confession of personal negligence.

5. Which California-based restaurant chain boasts no microwaves, heat lamps, or freezers?
(a) In-N-Out Burger.
(b) California Pizza Kitchen.
(c) Boston Market.
(d) P.F. Chang's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Plauen becomes part of the communist _______ after World War II.

2. The annual bonuses of plant foremen and supervisors are often based on what?

3. What do some workers need to make themselves feel charged up and self-confident?

4. What is the primary export of Plauen, Germany before World War I?

5. What is the term for how illegals are generally employed?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the McDonald's Corporation review Fast Food Nation?

2. Why does the author say that the "market" is a tool?

3. How does World War I destroy the culture of Plauen, Germany?

4. Why is Red Top Restaurant a good place to work?

5. What percentage of the American population suffers a bout of food poisoning each year?

6. What is the difference between good E.coli and bad E. coli?

7. Why does Sandra Gallegos disagree with Lee Harding's assumption that he got E. coli poisoning from a chicken taco at a Mexican restaurant?

8. How does In-N-Out Burger do business differently than other restaurants?

9. How are most jobs performed in the beef industry and how is it different than the poultry industry?

10. What new production method developed by IBP causes skilled, unionized supermarket butchers to be fired?

(see the answer keys)

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