The Farming of Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Farming of Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the travelers smell burning when they awake?
(a) Wood
(b) Sugar cane
(c) Houses
(d) Human bodies

2. Which of the following is NOT a detail Juana tells Senora Valencia about her mother?
(a) She treated Juana and Luis like friends
(b) She was a kind, gentle woman
(c) She was once shy, but became bolder when she got married
(d) She died giving birth to Senora Valencia

3. Why does Amabelle visit Kongo?
(a) To make sure he is dealing with Joel's death
(b) To tell him Senor Pico killed Joel
(c) To tell him Papi would like to speak with him
(d) To deliver wood for Joel's coffin

4. What do Doloritas and Amabelle have in common?
(a) They are both engaged to Haitian men who are missing
(b) They both worked in the sugar cane fields
(c) They both lived in Alegria
(d) They have both lost their parents

5. What does Juana prepare in honor of Rosalinda's baptism?
(a) Decorations
(b) An altar
(c) A baptismal gown
(d) A feast

6. What warning does Dr. Javier bring to Amabelle?
(a) All Haitian immigrants are being deported
(b) She must leave immediately because Haitian immigrants are being killed
(c) Sebastien is wanted by the militia
(d) She must leave immediately because Senor Pico is planning to have her killed

7. Who stays with Rafi's body during the night after the wake?
(a) Senor Pico
(b) Juana
(c) Senora Valencia
(d) Amabelle

8. What is different about the homes in Alegria when Amabelle visits years later?
(a) They are now owned by Haitians
(b) They are more open and inviting
(c) They are protected by high walls and guards
(d) They were destroyed during the revolution

9. Who does Dona Sabine and Don Gilbert hide in their home?
(a) Rosalinda
(b) Haitian immigrants
(c) The Generalissimo's soldiers
(d) Senora Valencia

10. What shape did Amabelle's father always make her Christmas lanterns?
(a) Little girl
(b) Monuments
(c) Christmas trees
(d) Kites

11. How does Amabelle plan on crossing the border?
(a) By showing her papers to the guards at the border
(b) During the night with Yves' help
(c) By calling upon Senor Pico to grant her permission to cross
(d) During the night with the help of a man who does this for a living

12. Why does Amabelle repeat Sebastien's name over and over?
(a) To purge his image from her memory
(b) To try and resurrect him from the dead
(c) To let him know she is looking for him
(d) To keep his memory alive

13. According to a nun at the clinic, who has been asking about Amabelle?
(a) Yves
(b) Dr. Javier
(c) Juana
(d) Sebastien

14. Who does Senor Pico nearly kill as he practices shooting with Senora Valencia?
(a) Rosalinda
(b) Amabelle
(c) Papi
(d) Dr. Javier

15. Who from Alegria does Amabelle discover is living near the border clinic?
(a) Papi
(b) Sebastien
(c) Father Romain
(d) Senora Valencia

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Papi spend time doing after his grandson dies?

2. What strikes Amabelle as she witnesses a woman having her leg amputated?

3. What torture does Tibon escape that many other Haitian immigrants did not?

4. What does Kongo give Amabelle as a gift?

5. Where do Yves and Amabelle plan to go when they leave the clinic?

(see the answer keys)

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