A Farewell to Arms Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Farewell to Arms Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 26, Frederic states his belief that:
(a) The United States will join in the war.
(b) The war will not be over until someone surrenders.
(c) The war will continue for another year.
(d) The Austrians are a strong opponent.

2. Which statement best describes the relationship between Frederic and Rinaldi in Chapter 10?
(a) They have a deeply rooted friendship.
(b) They do not really know each other that well.
(c) They are fair acquaintences.
(d) They are rivals for Catherine's affections.

3. In Chapter 19, Catherine says she is afraid of ________.
(a) the rain
(b) the war
(c) getting fired
(d) Frederic's friends

4. __________ warns Frederic and Catherine that people are growing suspicious of the couple.
(a) Miss Ferguson
(b) Miss Gage
(c) Miss Van Campen
(d) Mrs. Walker

5. While in the hospital in Milan, Frederic and Catherine's relationship is secretly able to grow due to:
(a) the pressure of war
(b) Frederic's quick recovery
(c) their friends
(d) Catherine's tending to Frederic

6. The first horse on which Catherine and Frederic bet:
(a) ties
(b) wins
(c) is disqualified
(d) loses

7. Frederic is informed that this person has also been reassigned to Milan:
(a) Catherine
(b) Rinaldi
(c) Helen
(d) the priest

8. Which of the following men does not meet up with Frederic in Chapter 19?
(a) Luigi Piani
(b) Edgar Saunders
(c) Ettore Moretti
(d) Ralph Simmons

9. Catherine gives Frederic ______________ before he leaves on his new orders.
(a) her Saint Anthony necklace
(b) a silver locket
(c) a picture of herself
(d) her lace hankerchief

10. In Chapter 5, Frederic performs this task as part of his duty:
(a) stock the ambulance with medical supplies
(b) inspect the trenches
(c) distribute ammunition to infantrymen
(d) rotate the ambulance tires

11. Which statement best describes the change seen in the priest in Chapter 26?
(a) He seems to be more sure of himself.
(b) He is getting more and more upset with the tormenting.
(c) He has given up on the troops.
(d) He is wavering in his faith.

12. Catherine reveals to Frederic in Chapter 21 that she is. . .
(a) reassigned.
(b) ill.
(c) pregnant.
(d) going home.

13. In Chapter 22, Frederic comes down with ________.
(a) pnuemonia
(b) measles
(c) small pox
(d) jaundice

14. Why does the barber threaten Frederic?
(a) He is insane.
(b) He mistakenly believes Frederic is an Austrian officer.
(c) Frederic refuses to pay him.
(d) He dislikes Americans.

15. Frederic and the priest agree that:
(a) The war will continue for many years.
(b) People have become, in a way, more gentle.
(c) The men are becoming more aggressive.
(d) Praying is not helpful anymore.

Short Answer Questions

1. Frederic says he wants the surgery performed as soon as possible because:

2. This character informs Frederic that Catherine can not come down to see him when he tries to visit her at the hospital.

3. Catherine is popular with the other nurses because she:

4. Frederic sends out a porter to:

5. The situation at the race track exemplifies that Catherine and Frederic:

(see the answer keys)

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