Farewell to Manzanar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell to Manzanar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Papa sketch?
(a) The barbed wire fence
(b) The mountains
(c) His children
(d) The orchard

2. Jeanne and her father are in the firebreak waiting for what?
(a) The birth of Eleanor's child
(b) Woody to return to the camp from prison
(c) The end of Mama's surgery
(d) The opening of the main gate

3. How long after she leaves does Jeanne return to Manzanar?
(a) Fifteen years
(b) 5 years
(c) 30 years
(d) Twelve months

4. Jeanne becomes the first person in her family to _________.
(a) Graduate from college
(b) Get a divorce
(c) Get married to a Caucasian
(d) Have twins

5. What does Papa want to build?
(a) A boat
(b) A better bond with Jeanne
(c) A housing project
(d) A Japanese civil rights organization

6. What is Jeanne named during her senior year?
(a) Valedictorian
(b) State baton twirling champion
(c) Student of the month
(d) Carnival queen

7. Jeanne is chosen as ________ in high school.
(a) Homecoming queen
(b) Prom queen
(c) Valedictorian
(d) Lead baton twirler

8. Which organization does Jeanne try to join but is refused membership?
(a) MADD
(b) National Honor Society
(c) Girl Scouts
(d) Gems

9. Jeanne's family moves closer to what in the camp?
(a) The reservoir shack
(b) The main gate
(c) The hospital
(d) The mess hall

10. How many members of the family go to Los Angeles?
(a) Three
(b) Twenty-five
(c) Nine
(d) Fifteen

11. What would Jeanne be horrified about if anyone asked her out on a date?
(a) The apartment the family lives in
(b) Her lack of money
(c) Papa's behavior
(d) Her Japanese ancestry

12. How does Jeanne's family react to the news that the camps are closing?
(a) They have mixed feelings about it
(b) They want the family to stay together
(c) They are excited to leave
(d) They don't want to leave the camp

13. Why did the family erect a gravestone with Papa's name on it?
(a) They are told he died in a fishing accident.
(b) They do this for anyone who leaves the country.
(c) They hadn't heard from him and do not know if he iss still alive.
(d) They disown him.

14. How do Jeanne and her family deal with the memories of Manzanar?
(a) They don't talk about Manzanar
(b) They discuss their experiences at family gatherings
(c) They write about their experiences in a family journal
(d) They go to therapy

15. With whom does Jeanne make friends?
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Radine
(c) Sunny
(d) Barbara

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Jeanne close to in her younger years?

2. What date does the government set for final closure of the camp?

3. Where does Jeanne complete her senior year of high school?

4. Why can't Jeanne participate in the odori lessons?

5. In 1942, the Supreme Court upholds the evacuation of Japanese-Americans due to what reason?

(see the answer keys)

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