Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of car does Second Planting drive at the beginning of Chapter 21?
(a) A dark blue Packard sedan.
(b) A silver Mercedes Benz.
(c) A red Toyota Camry.
(d) A white Cadillac.

2. Whose office does Marlowe walk into at the beginning of Chapter 27?
(a) Dr. Sonderborg's.
(b) Moose Malloy's.
(c) Jules Amthor's.
(d) Mr. Grayle's.

3. Who chokes Marlowe in Chapter 22?
(a) Jules Amthor.
(b) Second Planting.
(c) Mrs. Amthor.
(d) Moose Malloy.

4. At the end of chapter 28, what smells like dust and tobacco?
(a) Lieutenant Randall's office.
(b) Marlowe's office.
(c) Mr. Grayle's library.
(d) Marlowe's apartment.

5. What color are the walls, ceiling, and rugs in the room into which Mrs. Amthor conducts Marlowe in Chapter 21?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) White.
(d) Purple.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who pulls Marlowe's own gun on Marlowe in Chapter 22?

2. What nickname does Marlowe give the big man escorting him out of Amthor's house?

3. According to Jules Amthor, who is a natural medium?

4. What is on the white table in the middle of the room into which Mrs. Amthor conducts Marlowe in Chapter 21?

5. In Chapter 38, where does Marlowe think Moose Malloy might be hiding?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marlowe learn about Anne Riordan's finances in Chapter 28?

2. What does the fact that the two rough-looking characters tending to Marlowe in Chapter 23 and 24 are policeman indicate about the Bay City police force?

3. In Chapter 33, what explanation does Sergeant Galbraith give for putting Marlowe into Sonderborg's hospital?

4. What does the fact that Marlowe goes to Anne Riordan's home after he escapes form Dr. Sonderborg's sanitarium indicate about his relationship with Anne?

5. What does the pink and black bug, whose progress Marlowe tracks in Chapter 31, indicate about Marlowe and his life?

6. Who murders Moose Malloy in Chapter 39, and what is the motivation for the killing?

7. In what ways is Marlowe's relationship with Lieutenant Randall a successful collaboration with the police?

8. In Chapter 41, why does Marlowe think Mrs. Grayle has done her much-older husband a favor by dying the way she does?

9. Explain how Red manages to get Marlowe onto the Montecito in Chapter 37.

10. What evidence is there in Chapter 21 that Jules Amthor is a fraud?

(see the answer keys)

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