Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 27, to whose home does Marlowe walk on foot?
(a) Mrs. Grayle's.
(b) Anne Riordan's.
(c) Lieutenant Randall's.
(d) Jessie Florian's.

2. At the beginning of Chapter 29, how long has Lieutenant Randall been searching for Marlowe?
(a) Two days.
(b) Five hours.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) A week.

3. Into what building does Red follow Marlowe in Chapter 35?
(a) A bingo hall.
(b) The Royal Crown.
(c) The Belvedere Club.
(d) Florian's.

4. How is Jessie Florian murdered?
(a) She's poisoned.
(b) She's beaten to death.
(c) She's shot.
(d) She's stabbed to death.

5. What is Sergeant Galbraith's response in Chapter 33 when Marlowe asks if there is a connection between Dr. Sonderborg and Jules Amthor?
(a) There is no connection as the men don't know each other.
(b) Both Amthor and Sonderborg work for Laird Brunette.
(c) Amthor works for Sonderborg.
(d) Sonderborg works for Amthor.

6. How much does Marlowe's dinner at the end of Chapter 34 cost?
(a) A dollar and ten cents.
(b) One dollar.
(c) Five dollars.
(d) Eighty-five cents.

7. At the beginning of Chapter 26, where does Marlowe find the money that is missing from his wallet?
(a) In a wall safe in his room.
(b) In the drawer of his night stand.
(c) Under his mattress.
(d) In his attendant's pockets.

8. Who is John Wax?
(a) The LA police commissioner.
(b) The Bay City police chief.
(c) The mayor of Bay City.
(d) The New York police chief.

9. Who gives Marlowe an Egyptian cigarette in Chapter 38?
(a) Officer Olson.
(b) Red.
(c) Lieutenant Nulty.
(d) Laird Brunette.

10. Who is the beak-nosed man who questions Marlowe about Red in Chapter 35?
(a) Officer Olson of the Bay City police force.
(b) One of Jules Amthor's thugs.
(c) One of Moose Malloy's friends.
(d) One of Laird Burnette's thugs.

11. What shape is the room into which Mrs. Amthor conducts Marlowe in Chapter 21?
(a) Rectangular.
(b) Circular.
(c) Octagonal.
(d) Triangular.

12. What is the real name of the big cop who escorts Marlowe out of Jules Amthor's house and to whom Marlowe assigns a nickname?
(a) Lieutenant Davis.
(b) Sergeant Galbraith.
(c) Lieutenant Maxwell.
(d) Sergeant Joseph.

13. When Marlowe begins to hallucinate in Chapter 25, what does he realize?
(a) He drank too much whiskey at Amthor's, and he's drunk.
(b) He has suffered a concussion.
(c) He has lost his mind.
(d) He has been drugged.

14. Who turns out to be Little Velma in Chapter 39?
(a) Anne Riordan.
(b) Mrs. Grayle.
(c) Mrs. Morrison.
(d) Mrs. Amthor.

15. In Chapter 31, what kind of insect does Marlowe see crawling across Lieutenant Randall's desk?
(a) A spider.
(b) A black bug with a pink head.
(c) An ant.
(d) A wasp.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Lieutenant Randall about Sam Montgomery's murder at Florian's?

2. What nickname does Marlowe give the big man escorting him out of Amthor's house?

3. What does Marlowe suggest that Jules Amthor get Second Planting to do?

4. Whom does Marlowe ask to get a message to Moose Malloy?

5. Where is Little Velma found in Chapter 41?

(see the answer keys)

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