Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Farewell, My Lovely Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Marlowe initially tell Lieutenant Randall he has been while Randall has been searching for him?
(a) In a hospital.
(b) On vacation in Mexico.
(c) In New York investigating a case.
(d) At Mrs. Grayle's mansion.

2. Who tells Marlowe to avoid the Royal Crown?
(a) Lieutenant Randall.
(b) The hot dog vendor.
(c) Anne Riordan.
(d) Mr. Grayle.

3. When Marlowe begins to hallucinate in Chapter 25, what does he realize?
(a) He has lost his mind.
(b) He drank too much whiskey at Amthor's, and he's drunk.
(c) He has been drugged.
(d) He has suffered a concussion.

4. What is Little Velma's ultimate fate in the novel?
(a) She becomes a famous singer.
(b) She shoots herself in the heart instead of going to jail.
(c) She is shot by Jules Amthor and Second Planting.
(d) She marries Moose Malloy.

5. What nickname does Marlowe give the big man escorting him out of Amthor's house?
(a) Gorilla.
(b) Thor.
(c) Hercules.
(d) Hemingway.

6. Who is Sergeant Galbraith?
(a) An army officer who knows Moose Malloy.
(b) Jules Amthor's brother.
(c) A cop investigating Jessie Florian's murder.
(d) The Bay City cop who commits Marlowe to the sanitarium.

7. Marlowe thinks the men escorting him out of Amthor's house are______________.
(a) Bay City policemen.
(b) Moose Malloy's buddies.
(c) Amthor's security guards.
(d) Mobsters.

8. In Chapter 31, what kind of insect does Marlowe see crawling across Lieutenant Randall's desk?
(a) A black bug with a pink head.
(b) An ant.
(c) A wasp.
(d) A spider.

9. Whose appendix bursts in Chapter 33?
(a) Captain Blane's.
(b) Anne Riordan's.
(c) Moose Malloy's.
(d) Marlowe's.

10. Who gives Marlowe an Egyptian cigarette in Chapter 38?
(a) Officer Olson.
(b) Lieutenant Nulty.
(c) Laird Brunette.
(d) Red.

11. Who , according to Sergeant Galbraith, runs Bay City?
(a) Chief John Wax.
(b) Laird Burnette.
(c) The mayor.
(d) Captain Blane.

12. How do Lieutenant Randall and Marlowe get into Jessie Florian's house in Chapter 30?
(a) Mrs. Morrison breaks into the house for them.
(b) They break in using Lieutenant Randall's knife.
(c) Jessie Florian admits them.
(d) Mrs. Morrison lends them her key.

13. At the end of Chapter 28, to where does Marlowe ask Anne to drive him?
(a) His apartment.
(b) His office.
(c) A taxi stand.
(d) The police station.

14. Whom does Marlowe demand to see inside the Montecito?
(a) Laird Brunette.
(b) Jules Amthor.
(c) Moose Malloy.
(d) Mr. Grayle.

15. Which of the following statements does not describe Mrs. Jules Amthor?
(a) Sleek coiled hair.
(b) Thin and blonde.
(c) Dry and dark hands.
(d) A dark, thin wasted Asiatic face.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which police officer does Marlowe tell John Wax he wants to use as muscle?

2. Who turns out to be Little Velma in Chapter 39?

3. When Marlowe regains consciousness in Chapter 23, how many people are with him?

4. When Mrs. Grayle arrives, where does Marlowe tell Moose Malloy to hide?

5. What does Sergeant Galbraith tell Marlowe in Chapter 33 that he thought Dr. Sonderborg was doing in his house?

(see the answer keys)

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