Far From the Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Benway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Far From the Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin Benway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Grace texts Joaquin to tell him the location of their meeting has changed, where does she tell him to go instead of the coffee shop?
(a) Grace's house.
(b) The school cafeteria.
(c) Maya's house.
(d) Joaquin's house.

2. What is NOT among the list of things Maya has thought of saying to Claire the first time they speak after the break-up?
(a) Accusations.
(b) Apologies.
(c) Confessions.
(d) Mea culpas.

3. Peach's adoptive parents tell Grace that they will send her letters and photos of Peach for how long?
(a) Whenever Grace asks for them.
(b) The first year.
(c) The first 5 years.
(d) For 18 years.

4. What is the reason that Maya's dad cannot make their dinner date when he texts to let her know?
(a) He has extended his vacation.
(b) He is meeting his girlfriend instead.
(c) He is stuck in traffic.
(d) He is stuck on a business trip.

5. When Mark and Linda ask Joaquin for the second time about his possible adoption, what is his reply?
(a) He says he is still thinking.
(b) He says he has decided that he does want them to adopt him.
(c) He says he feels disloyal to his biological parents.
(d) He says he is leaning toward the adoption.

Short Answer Questions

1. What action does Maya demand of Lauren during their argument about Maya's identity as an adopted child?

2. What word does Maya settle upon when she decides how it feels for her dad to be back in the family home full-time while her mother is in rehab?

3. What is Birdie's real name?

4. What event does Maya say she had forgotten about due to the horrors of finding her mother bleeding on the floor?

5. When Joaquin does not want to tell Maya and Grace the real reason he broke up with Birdie, what reason does he give instead?

Short Essay Questions

1. What lie does Joaquin tell Mark and Linda about his recent visits with Ana, his therapist?

2. For what transgression does Maya blame Claire for an extended period of time near the end of the couple's relationship and why?

3. What does Joaquin do when he is overcome by the feelings associated with his altercation with Adam?

4. When Grace muses that she is now a girl who does not "have friends anymore" (183), she makes one exception. Whom does she say is her friend?

5. In what ways do Grace's parents try to get her engaged in life again after Peach's birth and adoption?

6. How is the theme of secrecy depicted within Claire's accusations toward Maya during their fight that ends in a break-up?

7. How does the author employ allusion within Grace's thoughts about Joaquin's lonely childhood existence?

8. How does Maya characterize her relationship with Lauren?

9. After Claire and Maya's break-up, Lauren asks about the origin of Maya's sunburn. What is the significance of Maya's cryptic reply that she had flown "too close to the sun" (200)?

10. What are the contents of the text Maya receives from her dad, setting in motion the chain of events that lead to Maya and Claire's break-up?

(see the answer keys)

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