Far From the Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robin Benway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Far From the Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robin Benway
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ana asks Joaquin if he will tell Maya and Grace about his psychiatric episode, what is his reply?
(a) No.
(b) Soon.
(c) Maybe.
(d) At some point.

2. How many months after adopting Maya had Maya's mother discovered she was pregnant?
(a) 3.
(b) 16.
(c) 9.
(d) 6.

3. What sound does Adam play in class to torture Grace?
(a) The sound of a lullaby.
(b) The sound of a baby's cry.
(c) The sound of a woman speaking to her baby.
(d) The sound of a rattle.

4. For what reason is Janie upset when she sees Grace back at school for the first time?
(a) She thinks Grace should have let her know when she was coming back to school.
(b) She thinks it is too soon for Grace to be back at school.
(c) She has been dating Adam and does not want Grace to know it.
(d) She has been dating Max and does not want Grace to know it.

5. What does Grace say that both Max and his father do when they are angry?
(a) They flare their nostrils.
(b) They lower their voices.
(c) They shake.
(d) They yell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Joaquin's reason for believing he is part Mexican?

2. What does Grace end up doing on homecoming night?

3. What does Joaquin feel that he always has to say when people start speaking to him in Spanish?

4. What does Grace's ex-boyfriend Max end up doing on homecoming night?

5. How does Joaquin truly feel deep down about calling Mark and Linda Mom and Dad?

Short Essay Questions

1. What favor does the teacher's aide for Joaquin's class ask Joaquin to do around Christmastime?

2. How does Joaquin respond to the teacher's aide's request of him at Christmastime?

3. Discuss an instance when Joaquin experiences self-loathing.

4. What two aspects of Maya's own identity does she think about during her long sleepless night after meeting Joaquin?

5. How does Grace spend homecoming night of her junior year, and how does the night differ from her previous expectations?

6. What causes Grace to lie to Maya and Joaquin about her lengthy absence from school?

7. What aspect of Maya's character causes her to qualify as a member of a marginalized community?

8. What are a few characteristics of the adoptive parents Grace chooses for Peach and what is one detail about them that particularly pleases her?

9. What are the qualities of Ana's therapy approach that Joaquin appreciates?

10. After two weeks of agony spent missing Peach, what desire brings Grace out of her depression?

(see the answer keys)

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