Family Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Family Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cheuh-min say he has been so wrapped up in that he has not had time to talk with Cheuh-hui about his feelings?
(a) The ideas of the revolution.
(b) His love for Chin.
(c) School work.
(d) Family obligations.

2. Who is the one person who knows where Cheuh-min is hiding?
(a) Cheuh-hui.
(b) Hui-ju.
(c) Cheuh-hsin.
(d) Cheuh-hsin's wife.

3. How does Jui-cheuh feel about being made to live outside the city in her state?
(a) She is hurt by it.
(b) She thinks it an adventure.
(c) She is angry and refuses.
(d) She is happy.

4. Who beings arguing over the property soon after Master Kao passes?
(a) The three brothers.
(b) Mrs. Chang.
(c) Madame Chou.
(d) The uncles.

5. What does everyone seem to be thinking about as they hear the fighting outside the Kao compound?
(a) They think about dying.
(b) They think about how much they love each other.
(c) They think about how to escape the city without notice.
(d) They think about the governor.

6. Who does Cheuh-min stay with when he runs away to avoid his arranged marriage?
(a) Mrs. Chang.
(b) A friend from the magazine.
(c) A school friend.
(d) Mei.

7. Why do Mrs. Chang, Chin, and Mei come to the Kao compound the day after the fighting starts?
(a) Because Master Kao has invited them.
(b) Because their house is too close to the fighting.
(c) Because the military has taken over their home.
(d) Because they feel safer with the men.

8. What happens during the birth of Jui-cheuh's second child?
(a) Jui-cheuh discovers she is having twins.
(b) She must have a C-section.
(c) The baby dies before it can be born.
(d) She dies during the birth.

9. What is Ming-feng's ultimate reaction to being given as a concubine?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She becomes a servant in someone else's household instead.
(c) She commits suicide.
(d) She elopes with another man.

10. What is one thing that the family does to try and cure Master Kao from his illness?
(a) Only let him drink tea and eat herbal concoctions.
(b) Hire someone to purge the compound of devils.
(c) Put leeches on his feet.
(d) Bleed him.

11. What items has Ke-ting been stealing from his wife?
(a) Silks.
(b) Paper money.
(c) Gold coins.
(d) Jewelery.

12. Who seems to be the most distraught by the military fighting that is happening?
(a) Jui-chueh.
(b) Mei.
(c) Chin.
(d) Madam Chang.

13. Which family member stumbles upon Mei and Cheuh-hsin in the garden?
(a) Shu-hua.
(b) Uncle Ke-ting.
(c) Madam Chang.
(d) Chueh-min.

14. How long will Jui-cheuh have to live outside the city?
(a) A month.
(b) One year.
(c) Two months.
(d) Two weeks.

15. Why is Chien-erh burning money for Wan-erh?
(a) In hopes that the gods will free Wan-erh.
(b) Because Wan-erh's life is worse than death.
(c) Because Wan-erh has died.
(d) In order to curse Wan-erh.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Cheuh-hsin give for not wanting his wife to go to pay Mei her respect?

2. What is the state of the house Jui-cheuh must live in outside the city?

3. How does Cheuh-hui respond when he hears that Wan-erh is going to the Fengs as a concubine?

4. Besides stealing, what else does Uncle Ke-ting confess to?

5. Who else is Chien-erh burning money for?

(see the answer keys)

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