Falls the Shadow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Falls the Shadow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Simon accused of?
(a) Theft.
(b) Mismanagement.
(c) Arresting people without trial.
(d) Draught and famine.

2. Who mediates between King Henry and Simon de Montfort?
(a) Bran de Montfort.
(b) Edward.
(c) Davydd.
(d) King Louis.

3. What does Llewelyn give Davydd?
(a) Transportation out of Wales in exile.
(b) Land.
(c) An army.
(d) A share of his power.

4. What additional oversight will the government be subjected to, as a result of the Oxford Provisions?
(a) Oversight by a new class of experts and bureaucrats.
(b) A more active parliament.
(c) International audits.
(d) A council of international advisors.

5. Why can Henry not raise an army of his own?
(a) He has lost his subjects' loyalty.
(b) He has had a stroke.
(c) He has no money.
(d) None of his advisors will support it.

6. What gives Simon cause to worry after his victory?
(a) He is short of supplies.
(b) He is running out of money.
(c) His men desert.
(d) The king's supporters undermine him.

7. What have Henry's barons been trying to convince him to do?
(a) Stop supporting the Lusignans.
(b) Absorb the Lusignans' territories.
(c) War against the Lusignan family.
(d) Return the Lusignan territory to France.

8. What do Davydd and Owain want to gain by invading Gwynedd?
(a) They want to unify Wales against England.
(b) They want to deliver Wales to England.
(c) They want Llewelyn to split his lands between his brothers.
(d) They want to rule Wales.

9. What does Simon do with the organization he builds?
(a) Use it to build a system of patronage and protection.
(b) Use it to spread the concept of universal rights on the Continent.
(c) Undermine the Oxford Provisions.
(d) War against those who will not follow the Oxford Provisions.

10. What is Simon accused of?
(a) Changing the laws without due process.
(b) Betraying the king.
(c) Treating the lords unfairly.
(d) Stealing from the king.

11. What happens in the first wave of the attack?
(a) Simon's knights pin Edward in the city.
(b) King Henry surrenders.
(c) Simon's army is routed.
(d) Edward turns the attackers back, and follows them into the woods.

12. What happens to Simon's reputation after his death?
(a) People think he was a saint.
(b) People think he was corrupt and weak.
(c) People think he was in league with Edward.
(d) People think he was a French stooge.

13. Why does Henry want to stop at Evesham?
(a) To sleep inside.
(b) To see a mistress.
(c) To attack Simon's army.
(d) To attend mass.

14. What does Henry tell Simon in his letter?
(a) He wants Simon to surrender.
(b) He wants a truce.
(c) He refuses a truce.
(d) He wants to negotiate.

15. What kind of trouble is King Henry having at the beginning of Chapter 19?
(a) Money trouble.
(b) Women trouble.
(c) Political trouble.
(d) Health trouble.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bran de Montfort squash Edward's escape attempt?

2. Where does Simon find Henry holed up?

3. How does Edward's army defeat Simon's at Evesham?

4. What does Parliament struggle to determine?

5. What happens when the King agrees to Simon's demands?

(see the answer keys)

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