Fallen Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Fallen Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the troops go on pacification missions, who are they trying to convince the villagers are the enemy?
(a) The communists.
(b) The French.
(c) The American soldiers.
(d) Their fellow villagers.

2. Whose address does Lobel offer to give Richie so that he'll have someone to write letters to?
(a) His mother's address.
(b) His priest's address.
(c) A Hollywood actress's address.
(d) His little sister's address.

3. What position did Jenkins's father hold in the army?
(a) A colonel.
(b) A lieutenant.
(c) A captain.
(d) A sergeant.

4. Which soldier does Lobel lament always dies in wars?
(a) Comedic soldiers.
(b) Heroic soldiers.
(c) Under appreciated soldiers.
(d) Virgin soldiers.

5. Who is the first person that Peewee accuses of being a "Cong"?
(a) Their commanding officer.
(b) Their cleaning woman.
(c) Their cook.
(d) Their laundress.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long do Peewee and Richie wait before receiving their camp assignment?

2. In what Japanese city does Richie's airplane have a layover?

3. Why does Richie continually want to write letters to his brother?

4. While out on patrol in the jungle, what game does Charlie Company stop to play?

5. When he was in high school, who told Richie that he had a good shot of getting into college?

Short Essay Questions

1. Before the troops see any action, what does Richie think about the fighting?

2. Who is Rings, and what does he suggest that Richie and Peewee do?

3. How do the soldiers pass the time around the barracks when they have no missions to attend to?

4. How do the more experienced soldiers feel when they see the new soldiers arriving?

5. How does RIchie cope with the trauma that he witnesses while on patrol with the Charlie Company?

6. Where did the term "Angel Warriors" come from?

7. What happens to Richie's knee, and why is he still sent to Vietnam?

8. Why does Peewee ask Richie to write a letter to Earlene on his behalf?

9. What is the reaction of the soldiers when they receive their assignments to be moved to Chu Lia?

10. What does Captain Stewart change about Monaco's kill report, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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