Fallen Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fallen Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the Vietnamese New Year?
(a) Tot.
(b) Tat.
(c) Tut.
(d) Tet.

2. What character is Richie reunited with when he is resting in the hospital?
(a) Jamal.
(b) Lieutenant Gearhart.
(c) Judy Duncan.
(d) Walowick.

3. Why doesn't the grenade that Richie throws into the Vietnamese hut explode?
(a) Because the powder was wet.
(b) Because he forgets to pull the pin.
(c) Because the hut was already on fire.
(d) Because the grenade was old.

4. What type of award is Richie given from the army after his injuries?
(a) A silver heart.
(b) A blue heart.
(c) A gold heart.
(d) A purple heart.

5. What does Richie do when Brew is dying?
(a) Holds his hand.
(b) Promises to write a letter to his mother.
(c) Prays with him.
(d) Tells him a funny joke.

6. What type of soldier does the new lieutenant like to put in the most dangerous military positions?
(a) The young soldiers.
(b) The white soldiers.
(c) The black soldiers.
(d) The old soldiers.

7. What American holiday is approaching at the same time as the Vietnamese New Year?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Thanksgiving.
(c) Valentine's Day.
(d) Halloween.

8. Which soldier freezes in sudden panic and needs Gearhart to scream him back into obedience?
(a) Monaco.
(b) Jamal.
(c) Johnson.
(d) Peewee.

9. Who does Brunner blame for the shortage of men in his squad?
(a) The Vietcong soldiers.
(b) The incompetant office staff.
(c) The American soldiers that ask for transfers.
(d) The war protestors.

10. Which of the following best describes the fight in which the troops is attempting to reclaim Vietnamese land?
(a) Well organized.
(b) Disorganized.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Quick.

11. When Richie thinks about going AWOL, what country does he plan to run to?
(a) Iceland.
(b) Sweden.
(c) Denmark.
(d) Canada.

12. What is the name of the character sent in to replace Sergeant Simpson?
(a) Lieutenant Doyle.
(b) Lieutenant Donnahue.
(c) Lieutenant Dongan.
(d) Lieutenant Drager.

13. During a fight with Vietnamese soldiers, where is Richie shot?
(a) In his leg.
(b) In his neck.
(c) In his stomach.
(d) In his back.

14. What does the squad advise the soldier, whose girlfriend proposed marriage, to do?
(a) Marry her.
(b) Dump her.
(c) Think about his answer.
(d) Lie to her.

15. What does Richie tell Kenny in the letter he writes about the Vietcong soldier?
(a) That the soldier deserved to die because he was a "bad guy."
(b) Richie is unable to write his brother a letter.
(c) That the soldier deserved to die for being communist.
(d) That the soldier deserved to die because he attacked Richie first.

Short Answer Questions

1. Around the time of the Vietnamese New Year, what is happening on the streets of New York?

2. What does Richie think that his time in the hospital has done to him?

3. Of all the men in the squad, who is viewed as their leader, described as having "quiet good sense"?

4. Which soldier accidentally releases a flare during a fight, revealing the position of the troops?

5. Whose nineteenth birthday is celebrated by the troops when they return from the mission in the Vietnamese village?

(see the answer keys)

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