Fallen Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

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Fallen Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richie think that his time in the hospital has done to him?
(a) Softened him to war.
(b) Alienated him from his troop.
(c) Made him a target for the enemy.
(d) Hardened him to war.

2. Which soldier accidentally releases a flare during a fight, revealing the position of the troops?
(a) Captain Stewart.
(b) Lieutenant Doyle.
(c) Lieutenant Gearhart.
(d) Sergeant Simpson.

3. What is the name of the soldier who is mortally wounded during the same fight in which Richie is shot?
(a) Brew.
(b) Monaco.
(c) Lobel.
(d) Brunner.

4. Who does Brunner blame for the shortage of men in his squad?
(a) The war protestors.
(b) The Vietcong soldiers.
(c) The incompetant office staff.
(d) The American soldiers that ask for transfers.

5. Which of the following best describes Richie's life in the hospital?
(a) Terrifying.
(b) Dirty.
(c) Amusing.
(d) Quiet.

6. What is the name of the soldier's new base, that they are moved to under Lieutenant Gearhart's command?
(a) Train Long.
(b) Tam Ly.
(c) Tram Yong.
(d) Tame Lie.

7. Which soldier freezes in sudden panic and needs Gearhart to scream him back into obedience?
(a) Monaco.
(b) Peewee.
(c) Johnson.
(d) Jamal.

8. Which soldier is approached by Lt. Dongan asking if Lobel is a homosexual?
(a) Richie.
(b) Peewee.
(c) Monaco.
(d) Johnson.

9. Which character gets into a power struggle with Stewart, telling the men to follow him when Stewart tells them all to stay down?
(a) Peewee.
(b) Rings.
(c) Johnson.
(d) Richie.

10. What character is Richie reunited with when he is resting in the hospital?
(a) Lieutenant Gearhart.
(b) Jamal.
(c) Judy Duncan.
(d) Walowick.

11. At the end of the fight over land in Vietnam, what is dropped by jet plane into the clearing?
(a) Napalm.
(b) Food rations.
(c) Mustard gas.
(d) Paragliding soldiers.

12. Who does Richie feel certain is the good guy in the Vietnam war.
(a) Richie is unsure who the "good guys" in the war are.
(b) Richie is sure that there are not "good guys" in the war.
(c) Richie is sure the Vietcong are the "good guys."
(d) Richie is sure the Americans are the "good guys."

13. When Richie thinks about going AWOL, what country does he plan to run to?
(a) Iceland.
(b) Canada.
(c) Sweden.
(d) Denmark.

14. What is Johnson's advice to Richie when they are discussing the war protesters?
(a) To stop worrying about staying alive and start worrying about the bigger issues.
(b) To stop worrying about the Americans and start worrying about the Vietnamese.
(c) To stop worrying about the bigger issues and just worry about staying alive.
(d) To stop worrying about the Vietnamese and start worrying about the Americans.

15. Which of the following soldiers does NOT have a letter from Gearhart to his wife in their possession?
(a) Monaco
(b) Gearhart.
(c) Walowick.
(d) Richie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What American holiday is approaching at the same time as the Vietnamese New Year?

2. Which character wakes up in the middle of the night with terrible, screaming nightmares?

3. What reason does Captain Stewart give to the soldiers as to why they will be going on a reconnaissance mission?

4. Why doesn't the grenade that Richie throws into the Vietnamese hut explode?

5. During a fight with Vietnamese soldiers, where is Richie shot?

(see the answer keys)

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