Fallen Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Fallen Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of RIchie's high school teachers told him to stop being an observer in life?
(a) His gym teacher.
(b) His chemistry teacher.
(c) His English teacher.
(d) His math teacher.

2. What is Peewee's girlfriend's name?
(a) Eartha.
(b) Evelyn.
(c) Emily.
(d) Earlene.

3. What news does Peewee's girlfriend write to tell him?
(a) That she has gotten married.
(b) That she has dropped out of school.
(c) That she is pregnant.
(d) That she has joined the army.

4. Why does Richie continually want to write letters to his brother?
(a) To brag about the work he is doing.
(b) To practice his handwriting.
(c) To make his brother proud.
(d) To vent some of his emotions.

5. What does the soldier in the breakfast hall call Peewee and Richie when they refuse his offer?
(a) Aunt Marys.
(b) Aunt Pats.
(c) Uncle Toms.
(d) Uncle Bills.

6. How are the injured American soldiers transported out of the battle zone?
(a) By helicopter.
(b) By cab.
(c) By train.
(d) By airplane.

7. Which of the following best describes Richie's feelings during the ambush?
(a) Vengeful.
(b) Vivacious.
(c) Valiant.
(d) Vulnerable.

8. What position did Jenkins's father hold in the army?
(a) A sergeant.
(b) A lieutenant.
(c) A captain.
(d) A colonel.

9. When Richie is pondering his own death, who does he wonder will miss him?
(a) Kenny.
(b) His mother.
(c) The army.
(d) Peewee.

10. During the friendly fire of the Charlie Company patrol, how many American soldiers are killed?
(a) Seventy.
(b) Seventeen.
(c) Seven.
(d) No American soldiers were killed.

11. How is the soldier killed on the first night of patrol?
(a) He eats a poisonous plant.
(b) He steps on a landmine.
(c) He is shot through the heart.
(d) He throws his body on a grenade.

12. What does the squad sergeant call inexperienced soldiers?
(a) Bananas.
(b) Cherries.
(c) Peaches.
(d) Apples.

13. Which military leader dies in a hospital after the attack?
(a) Sergeant Simpson.
(b) Captain Stewart.
(c) Lieutenant Carroll.
(d) Lieutenant Doyle.

14. How does Richie injure his knee?
(a) Playing basketball.
(b) Playing football.
(c) Playing baseball.
(d) Playing soccer.

15. What medical problem does Richie come down with, prompting him to take several days off to recover?
(a) A glandular problem.
(b) A skeletal problem.
(c) An intestinal problem.
(d) A circulatory problem.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the men die that Peewee and Richie are sent to replace?

2. While in high school, what did Richie want to be when he grew up?

3. In what state does Richard Perry live as a high school student?

4. Who does Johnson get into a racially charged argument with?

5. What state is the extraordinarily strong black soldier from?

(see the answer keys)

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