The Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What question does the first line of this chapter ask?
(a) Who is the auditor?
(b) Where is Amsterdan?
(c) Why is the bar called Mexico City?
(d) What is a judge-penitent?

2. What is the name of the bar?
(a) Mexico City
(b) The Circle of Hell
(c) Dante's Fire
(d) London Town

3. What does Clamence suggests happens when he climbs to great heights?
(a) He loses his integrity
(b) He becomes king
(c) He falls
(d) He falls in love

4. What begins Clamence's dissertation on power?
(a) The barman's presence
(b) A group of women
(c) The auditor's lack of confidence
(d) A slave trader's sign

5. What does Clamence claim he is?
(a) A hate figure
(b) A atheist
(c) A sensualist
(d) A dictator

6. How does Clamence have the ability to judge average society?
(a) He is an outsider
(b) He is above them
(c) He is well educated
(d) He have lived with all classes

7. What does Clamence believe is necessary?
(a) Slavery
(b) Hate
(c) Marriage
(d) Love

8. Which of the following subjects does Clamence talk about as they walk?
(a) Socialism
(b) Hitler's death
(c) Nazi genocide
(d) Communism

9. What city are the two men in?
(a) London
(b) Prague
(c) Paris
(d) Amsterdam

10. What does Clamence feel when the young woman kills herself?
(a) Hurt
(b) Anger
(c) Deep sorrow
(d) Nothing

11. What does Clamence say a woman's faithfulness feeds?
(a) His brain
(b) His ego
(c) His soul
(d) His heart

12. What does the young woman do in Clamence's story?
(a) Cuts out her eyes
(b) Commits suicide
(c) Robs a bank
(d) Marries a tyrant

13. What drink does Clamence talk lyrically about?
(a) Vodka
(b) Wine
(c) Whisky
(d) Gin

14. On what bridge does Clamence witness a suicide?
(a) Pont Royal
(b) Pont des Art
(c) Pont Cafe
(d) Du Pont

15. What two traitors does Clamence mention in this chapter?
(a) Lucifer and Trotsky
(b) Guy Fawkes and Judas
(c) Judas and Lucifer
(d) Guy Fawkes and Lucifer

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clamence hear on the the Pont des Arts?

2. Why does the young woman kill herself?

3. How did Clamence get across bridges after he heard the laugh?

4. Where does Clamence return to when he is struck?

5. In what book is the circles of hell described?

(see the answer keys)

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