Fall of the Roman Republic Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fall of the Roman Republic Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Terentia, Cicero's wife, do to cause their divorce?
(a) She tries to have Cicero arrested.
(b) She takes the valuables from his house.
(c) She is exiled from the city for her associations.
(d) She has an affair.

2. Whom does Caesar pit the people against when he is in office?
(a) The military.
(b) Pompey.
(c) Crassus.
(d) The nobles.

3. What does Pompey do with Sertorius's letters after his death?
(a) Burns them without reading them.
(b) Throws them into the sea without reading them.
(c) Burns them after reading them.
(d) Throws them into the sea after reading them.

4. What does Caesar do to the pirates when he eventually captures them?
(a) Acquires his ransom back.
(b) Releases them after proving his point.
(c) Forces them to do manual labor for him.
(d) Orders their deaths.

5. What does Caesar do that many disagree with after his aunt, Julia, dies?
(a) He works to return Marius from exile.
(b) He shows images of Julia.
(c) He works to change the laws about burials.
(d) He shows images of Marius.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Caesar do for Cleopatra?

2. What does Cicero occasionally do in order to garner glory?

3. Which city does Pompey help rebuild on his way home to Rome?

4. What does Caesar do when he is captured by Sulla's men?

5. How many people join Cicero's appeal to the city when he is called upon to defend the death penalty imposed on Catiline's men?

Short Essay Questions

1. What actions does Caesar make following the deaths of his aunt and wife that endear him to the people of Rome?

2. What does Cicero's name mean, why was he given it, and how does his response to it indicate his sense of humor?

3. What is significant about the way Pompey begins his military career?

4. How does the rivalry between Cicero and Clodius begin?

5. What is interesting about how the battle between Pompey and Sertorius ends, and Pompey's decision afterward?

6. What are some of the omens that Plutarch discusses leading up to Caesar's death?

7. What causes the Egyptians to betray Pompey, how does he die, and what is Caesar's reaction?

8. Why does Cicero leave Rome after he draws the ire of Clodius, and how does he return?

9. What is Cicero's educational background and how does it contribute to the decisions made early in his career?

10. Why does Cicero retire from public life, and what do his plans include at this point in his life?

(see the answer keys)

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