Fall of the Roman Republic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fall of the Roman Republic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Crassus often loan money?
(a) With excessive interest, but he never requires payment.
(b) Without interest, but he always requires payment.
(c) With excessive interest, and he always requires payment.
(d) With interest, but he never requires payment.

2. At what age is Sulla appointed consul?
(a) Fifty.
(b) Thirty.
(c) Sixty.
(d) Forty.

3. What is Turpillius's fate?
(a) He is released to Metellus's responsibility.
(b) He is exiled.
(c) He is released to Marius's responsibility.
(d) He is sentenced to death.

4. What type of mines does Crassus own?
(a) Gold.
(b) Silver, Gold, and Coal.
(c) Coal.
(d) Silver.

5. How does Crassus feel about Sulla's opinion of Pompey?
(a) He is not aware of it.
(b) He is confused.
(c) He is jealous.
(d) He is angry.

6. What city does Turpillius command when Jugurtha takes it over?
(a) Pavesa.
(b) Vaga.
(c) Fornace.
(d) Berlasco.

7. Which city takes the side of Mithridates, causing Sulla to march against it?
(a) Tavros.
(b) Tripoli.
(c) Galatsi.
(d) Athens.

8. Where is Sulla chased into by Sulpicius's men?
(a) Marius's house.
(b) Jugurtha's house.
(c) His own house.
(d) Caesar's house.

9. What was the intent of the Tuetones and the Cimbri?
(a) To befriend the Romans.
(b) To join Africa.
(c) To destroy Africa.
(d) To destroy Rome.

10. What happens to Fimbria after he welcomes Sulla into his camp?
(a) He commits suicide.
(b) Sulla kills him.
(c) He is captured by Sulla.
(d) He is exiled from the camp.

11. How long does Crassus send Caesar to Gaul for?
(a) Five years.
(b) One year.
(c) Three years.
(d) Seven years.

12. What is Hispania Ulterior when Marius is sent to battle the bandits there?
(a) A civilized province.
(b) A major supplier of food for Rome.
(c) An uncivilized province.
(d) A major ally to Rome.

13. What happens to the servant who betrays Sulpicius?
(a) He is allowed to fight in the military.
(b) He is thrown to his death.
(c) He is exiled.
(d) He is given a political position.

14. What does Rex Warner, the translator, say about Plutarch's account of Marius's political skill?
(a) Plutarch misrepresents Marius's political skill.
(b) Plutarch writes too little of Marius's political skill.
(c) Plutarch writes too much of Marius's political skill.
(d) Plutarch omits Marius's political skill completely.

15. According to Onatius Aurelius's vision, who orders that Crassus and Pompey should become friends?
(a) Jupiter.
(b) Apollo.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Neptune.

Short Answer Questions

1. During his stand for praetorship, what is Marius unsuccessfully prosecuted for?

2. What happens to the Spartans that leads to their defeat?

3. What is Crassus counting on as he proceeds to face the enemy troops in Syria?

4. What out dated method of punishment does Crassus use after his men's loss?

5. What happens in Sulla's first bid for praetorship?

(see the answer keys)

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