Faithful Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faithful Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frank request at work?
(a) A few days off.
(b) Assignment to investigate Kevin's death.
(c) Reassignment to another city.
(d) Several month's leave of absence.

2. How does Frank propose making up for the lost time from the weekend?
(a) Spending the whole day with Holly.
(b) Taking a short vacation to France.
(c) Going to the museums in London when he goes to get the forensic equipment.
(d) Going to the beach.

3. Why does Frank apologize to Holly?
(a) For smacking her.
(b) For not believing her about Dermot.
(c) For yelling at her.
(d) For having to take her home before the end of the weekend.

4. Who do Frank and Holly meet at the park?
(a) Shay.
(b) Jackie.
(c) Olivia.
(d) Dermot.

5. Who does Frank, at this point, think is Rosie's murderer?
(a) A janitor in the building next to number 22.
(b) Mr. Daly.
(c) Frank's father.
(d) Kevin.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom did Frank's father sometimes sleep?

2. What is rotted in the hole?

3. Where does Frank go in Chapter 9?

4. About what does Holly ask Frank?

5. What does Frank say he will do for Stephen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Frank ask Stephen that surprises the man?

2. Which one of Rosie's old friends does Frank locate and how does she react to him initially?

3. What does Frank request at his office?

4. What does Frank learn from the coroner about Rosie's death?

5. What does Kennedy tell Frank that infuriates Frank?

6. How has Nora reacted to the news of Rosie's body being found?

7. How does Frank have to change his perception about Rosie?

8. How does Frank set things up to be able to follow the police investigation into Rosie and Kevin's deaths?

9. What information does Stephen have for Frank?

10. What do Jackie and Frank talk about when they meet at the park?

(see the answer keys)

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