Faithful Place Test | Final Test - Easy

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faithful Place Test | Final Test - Easy

Tana French
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Holly ask Frank?
(a) Shay's death.
(b) Go back to the zoo.
(c) Frank's new girlfriend.
(d) Kevin's death.

2. Who texts Frank about meeting with him?
(a) Stephen.
(b) Shay.
(c) Mick.
(d) Jackie.

3. How long does it take Frank to decide to go with Rosie?
(a) A few minutes.
(b) Almost a year.
(c) Several weeks.
(d) A couple days.

4. What does Frank do when Scorcher is leaning out of the window?
(a) Pushes him.
(b) Pulls him back into the house.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Tells him to notice the scratch marks on the sill.

5. What does Frank ask Imelda about Rosie?
(a) If Imelda accompanied Rosie the night Rosie died.
(b) If Imelda helped Rosie prepare to run away.
(c) If Rosie seemed scared about running away.
(d) If Rosie had any other boyfriends other than Frank.

6. How does Frank propose making up for the lost time from the weekend?
(a) Going to the beach.
(b) Taking a short vacation to France.
(c) Going to the museums in London when he goes to get the forensic equipment.
(d) Spending the whole day with Holly.

7. What does the caller tell Frank?
(a) Mr. Daly tried to kill Shay.
(b) Mr. Daly tried to kill Kevin.
(c) Kevin is dead.
(d) Shay is dead.

8. Why does Frank apologize to Holly?
(a) For yelling at her.
(b) For not believing her about Dermot.
(c) For smacking her.
(d) For having to take her home before the end of the weekend.

9. What do the police immediately decide about Kevin?
(a) That Kevin knew Shay was going to kill himself.
(b) That Kevin pushed Shay out of the window.
(c) That Shay pushed Kevin out of the window.
(d) That Kevin committed suicide.

10. What pain has Frank been dealing with for years?
(a) The pain of his younger sister's death.
(b) The pain of Rosie leaving without him.
(c) The pain of seeing his family descend into criminal activity to survive.
(d) The pain of his father's alcoholism.

11. To what does the conversation turn at the park?
(a) How Frank is starting to date again.
(b) About how Frank thought that his family was the reason Rosie left him.
(c) How Olivia is exposing Holly to a possible abuser.
(d) How his brothers were still up to no good.

12. Who do Frank and Holly meet at the park?
(a) Jackie.
(b) Shay.
(c) Dermot.
(d) Olivia.

13. How does Imelda act towards Frank initially?
(a) Very warm.
(b) Hostile.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Cool.

14. Who falls out of the building where Rosie's body is found?
(a) Mr. Daly.
(b) Kevin.
(c) No one.
(d) Shay.

15. Who is at the building where Rosie was found when Frank goes over there?
(a) A cop Frank does not know.
(b) Cooper.
(c) Scorcher.
(d) Mr. Daly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Imelda leave Rosie's suitcase?

2. What does Frank want to prove to Scorcher?

3. What does Frank's mother say about Theresa Daly and Frank's dad?

4. About whom does Olivia ask Frank?

5. What does Rosie say her father said the night Rosie plans to run off with Frank?

(see the answer keys)

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