Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened after John Sidney McCain Sr. made a decision during a typhoon?
(a) He was ordered to relinquish his command.
(b) He was promoted.
(c) He was given a medal.
(d) He was told to share his command.

2. What was the USS Gunnel supposed to do after its mission?
(a) Head to safety.
(b) Head to Pearl Harbor.
(c) Open fire on Britain.
(d) Lower its flag.

3. How much oxygen did the USS Gunnel have when it resurfaced after being deeply submerged when the Japanese were around?
(a) One day.
(b) They were completely out.
(c) Half a day.
(d) Less than an hour.

4. What amphibious assault did Jack command?
(a) Operation Balavegaya.
(b) Operation Steel Pike 1.
(c) Operation Camargue.
(d) Operation Chromite.

5. What strength did McCain's mother have that helped the family?
(a) She had natural charm, beauty, and social graces.
(b) She knew the inner-workings of the Navy.
(c) She was brilliant.
(d) She was impeccably neat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was one of John's favorite subjects in school?

2. How did Jack feel about the men serving under him?

3. This book offers a real account of what?

4. What medal did John Sidney McCain Sr. get for his courage and leadership in the Guadalcanal campaign?

5. How did John Sidney McCain Jr. feel about the Navy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of fighter was Slew?

2. How did John end out getting a decent grade in history?

3. How had Slew changed professionally by World War II?

4. How did the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor affect John McCain?

5. How were the men in McCain's family history connected to warfare?

6. What was the Academy like in the summer before classes began?

7. Why did John decide to become more responsible, what changed him back to his old ways?

8. What was John McCain's relationship like with his grandfather?

9. How did John Sidney McCain Junior and John Sidney McCain Senior change history in the Navy?

10. Why was "Faith of My Fathers" written?

(see the answer keys)

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