Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was one of John's favorite subjects in school?
(a) He hated all the subjects.
(b) Science.
(c) English.
(d) Math.

2. How did John Sidney McCain Sr. do in school?
(a) He did not do well in school.
(b) He was suspended for his grades.
(c) He was average academically.
(d) He was valedictorian.

3. Who taught John how to command a ship?
(a) Admiral Nimitz.
(b) Captain Ben Hart.
(c) Lieutenant Commander Eugene Carroll.
(d) Jack McCain.

4. How did those under John Sidney McCain Sr. view him?
(a) They thought he was weak.
(b) He was a born leader who garnered respect.
(c) They didn't understand his decisions and felt he was just a partier who didn't take fighting seriously.
(d) They felt he was too autocratic.

5. How did John feel about the Academy after the school year really began?
(a) He didn't like the academics and was often in trouble.
(b) He loved the challenge of the classes.
(c) He loved the camaraderie of the upperclassmen and the easy-to-follow rules.
(d) He appreciated the structure.

6. How did John feel about his actions regarding the bully?
(a) He bragged about the incident to all who would listen.
(b) He thought it was a great story.
(c) He wished he were slightly meaner.
(d) He felt they weren't honorable and regretted doing the deed.

7. How long did people mourn for John Sidney McCain Sr .after his death?
(a) More than a decade.
(b) A year.
(c) A month.
(d) A week.

8. This book offers a real account of what?
(a) John McCain's father's experiences in a prison camp.
(b) Pitfalls of politics.
(c) Triumphs of politics.
(d) Triumphs and pitfalls of military men.

9. Where did Jack go before he went to the Academy?
(a) He spent two weeks touring Europe.
(b) He went to a specialized tutoring school.
(c) He went to a pre-training camp.
(d) He spent two weeks aboard ship.

10. What amphibious assault did Jack command?
(a) Operation Balavegaya.
(b) Operation Camargue.
(c) Operation Chromite.
(d) Operation Steel Pike 1.

11. How did the men serving under Jack feel about him?
(a) They greatly respected him.
(b) They thought he was a foolish leader.
(c) They thought he was wise, but too distant.
(d) They were afraid of him.

12. What strength did McCain's mother have that helped the family?
(a) She knew the inner-workings of the Navy.
(b) She had natural charm, beauty, and social graces.
(c) She was impeccably neat.
(d) She was brilliant.

13. How did John Sidney McCain Sr feel about the men who served under him?
(a) He thought they were very inept.
(b) He deliberately kept himself distant from them since he was a commander not a friend.
(c) He was very close to them.
(d) He felt as if he didn't know them enough.

14. Where was John Sidney McCain Jr. stationed when John Sidney McCain Sr. first met his grandson?
(a) The Dominican Republic.
(b) Panama.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) Cambodia.

15. What was John Sidney McCain Jr.'s physique like when he left the Academy?
(a) He was a very large man.
(b) He was very average.
(c) He was a small man.
(d) He was tall yet slender.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job did John McCain's father have?

2. How deep did the USS Gunnel submerge when surrounded by the seven Japanese freighters?

3. What signal did the USS Gunnel send out?

4. How much oxygen did the USS Gunnel have when it resurfaced after being deeply submerged when the Japanese were around?

5. Who stood by John Sidney McCain Jr.'s side at the wedding?

(see the answer keys)

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