Fahrenheit 451 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fahrenheit 451 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did a cousin once bet Montag a dime he couldn’t do?
(a) Fill a sieve with sand
(b) Push a rock up a hill
(c) Walk across fire
(d) Swallow a sword

2. Who is Mildred entertaining when Montag comes home from Faber’s?
(a) Clarisse
(b) Captain Beatty
(c) The next-door neighbor
(d) Her girlfriends

3. How does Montag explain his disillusionment with society?
(a) He says that the impending war has caused him to question government
(b) He said the elderly woman made his appreciate life for the first time
(c) He says it feels as if something is missing
(d) He says the words of great philosophers before him have infiltrated his mind

4. For what does Faber feel partially responsible?
(a) Montag's discontent
(b) How far the book burning has gone
(c) Clarisse’s death
(d) The elderly woman’s death

5. What is Mildred doing when Montag returns home from Faber’s house?
(a) Snooping through his drawers
(b) Talking on the telephone
(c) Reading a book
(d) Watching television

6. Whose image do advertisers use to sell products?
(a) No one’s. Images in advertising are banned
(b) The President’s
(c) Jesus’
(d) The Firemen’s

7. What effect is reading having on Montag?
(a) He is falling out of love with his wife
(b) He is becoming angry with the government
(c) He is learning to think for himself
(d) He is becoming confused about the meaning of life

8. What poem does Montag read during his confrontation with Mildred?
(a) Dover Beach
(b) A Dream Deferred
(c) Apple Picking
(d) Sonnet XVI

9. How does Faber help Montag during the confrontation with Beatty?
(a) By punching Beatty in the face
(b) By making prank calls to the firehouse
(c) By whispering advice into his ear
(d) By telling him how to blackmail Beatty

10. Where is Mrs. Phelps' husband?
(a) In prison
(b) Dead
(c) In the military
(d) In rehab

11. What game does Montag play with his fellow firemen before the confrontation?
(a) Cards
(b) Pool
(c) Hopscotch
(d) Checkers

12. According to Faber, what is inevitable?
(a) Change
(b) Death from the coming war
(c) A mindless society
(d) The end of books

13. What does Montag do to finally convince Faber to help him in his quest?
(a) He threatens Faber
(b) He threatens to kill himself
(c) He tears pages out of the book
(d) He brings out a can of kerosene

14. According to Faber, what don’t people need to be happy?
(a) Books
(b) Love
(c) Religion
(d) Government

15. What does Montag hear a persistent advertisement for while riding the train?
(a) Mildred’s favorite soap opera
(b) Denham's Dentifrice
(c) Glueless Gummies
(d) Morlock's Menties

Short Answer Questions

1. What interrupts Montag’s confrontation with Beatty?

2. Which Book does Montag take a special interest in and bring to Faber’s house?

3. How does Mildred’s guest react to the poem?

4. On Montag’s first day back at work, what does Beatty try to convince him to do?

5. For what do Montag and Faber devise a plan during their first meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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