Fahrenheit 451 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fahrenheit 451 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What takes up three full walls in the Montag's living room?
(a) Mirrors
(b) An abstract painting
(c) Pictures
(d) The television

2. What aspect of Mildred’s personality does Montag most resent?
(a) Her jealousy
(b) Her religious fervor
(c) Her obsession
(d) Her coldness

3. Which members of society are sent to asylums if caught?
(a) The unemployed
(b) Thieves
(c) Book owners
(d) Religious fanatics

4. According to Mildred, who are the only people she trusts?
(a) Her parents
(b) No one
(c) Her neighbors
(d) The characters on her television shows

5. What consumes Mildred's attention all day, the day after the ambulence arrives at their home?
(a) Television
(b) Gardening
(c) Playing video games
(d) Cooking

6. What causes Faber to relax when he sees Montag?
(a) Montag offers him a bottle of wine
(b) Montag quotes one of the leaders of the underground rebellion
(c) He sees that Montag has worn his fireman uniform
(d) He sees a book tucked under Montag's arm

7. Which mythological symbols are introduced in the first chapter?
(a) A sphinx and a gargoyle
(b) A phoenix and a sphinx
(c) A salamander and a phoenix
(d) A salamander and a sphinx

8. Why doesn’t Mildred want to keep reading the books with Montag?
(a) Because she’s intimidated
(b) Because she’s jealous
(c) Because she can’t read
(d) Because she’s bored

9. Why are ambulance drivers called to Montag’s home?
(a) Because Mildred needs her stomach pumped
(b) Because Montag has knocked out Mildred’s lover
(c) Because Mildred was burned in the fire
(d) Because the bullet grazes Montag’s cheek

10. How does Mildred act toward Montag the next morning, after the accident?
(a) Oblivious
(b) Cool and calculated
(c) Pleasant
(d) Passive aggressive

11. If Montag wants to talk to Faber, what does he realize he must do?
(a) Wear a disguise
(b) Take a train to Faber's house
(c) Turn himself in to the police
(d) Leave his wife

12. The morning after the accident, what does Montag try to convince Mildred of?
(a) That she should get a job
(b) That she wanted to die
(c) That Clarisse's family is a danger to their way of life
(d) That they should have children

13. What aspect of Montag's job enthralls him?
(a) Watching fire burn
(b) Meeting the cute nurses at the hospital
(c) Rescuing cats and other animals
(d) Sliding down the fire pole when the alarm rings

14. What has changed about the ambulance drivers’ schedule in the past two years?
(a) They have stayed the same
(b) They have slowed down
(c) They have been forced into additional training in addition to their scheduled shifts
(d) They have gotten much busier

15. After his night with Clarisse, what shocking sight does Montag return home to?
(a) Mildred overdosed on sleeping pills
(b) Mildred making love to another man
(c) His house has burned down
(d) Mildred angrily awaits his return, a gun in hand

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Faber react to Montag’s initial request?

2. What noise frightens Montag as he reads in his kitchen?

3. Who actually lights the fire at the attic book owner’s home?

4. What is the most important thing in Mildred’s life?

5. How does Faber feel about the Bible?

(see the answer keys)

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