Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fade Away Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is going to have Greg Downing's baby?
(a) Audrey Wilson.
(b) Maggie Mason.
(c) Emily Downing.
(d) Fiona White.

2. What videotape does Myron ask Marty to show him during his visit to Marty's office?
(a) A video of Greg Downing's most famous plays as a Dragon.
(b) A compromising video of Emily Downing.
(c) A compromising video about Greg Downing's gambling.
(d) A video of the Dragons' most famous games.

3. When the blackmailer approaches Myron, what does Audrey do?
(a) She dials 911 to summon the police.
(b) She screams.
(c) She shoots the blackmailer.
(d) She starts the car and runs over the blackmailer.

4. What problem does Esperanza tell Myron that Jason Blair has?
(a) Jason is trying to get Myron kicked off the Dragons' team.
(b) Jason says he's kidnapped Greg Downing.
(c) Jason doesn't like Esperanza negotiating his contract.
(d) Jason is threatening to tell the press Greg killed Carla.

5. What is Clip Arnstein's response when Myron tells him someone cleaned up the blood in Greg's basement?
(a) Clip admits he did it.
(b) Clip swears he didn't do it.
(c) Clip says he thinks Greg must have done it.
(d) Clip says he paid TC Collins to do it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who turns out to be Carla's real killer?

2. How long has the Bolitar family lived in the same house?

3. Where does a strange woman approach Emily to blackmail her about something Greg has done?

4. Why does Myron tell Audrey he wants her to accompany him to the meeting with the blackmailer?

5. To what classic television cop show duo do Myron and Dimonte liken themselves?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Cole Whiteman describe the murder that the Raven Brigade has been in hiding for since the Sixties?

2. What does Myron find out about Fiona White's involvement with Greg Downing?

3. How does Myron figure out where to find Cole Whiteman and what alias Cole is currently using?

4. Why does Greg hide out at TC Collins' house?

5. Explain how Win determines Clip Arnstein is lying about knowing Sally or Carla.

6. Explain how Esperanza handles Jason Blair's contract negotiations with the Red Sox and what her handling of the situation demonstrates about her character.

7. What does the bat found behind Greg Downing's dryer and the fingerprints found at Carla's apartment indicate about Downing's possible involvement in her murder?

8. What in Chapter Twenty Nine lets Myron know that Esperanza is trying to be nice to him after his bad game the previous day?

9. What does Clip's statement in Chapter Twenty Four about Greg Downing having learned his lesson about violence years before foreshadow?

10. What happens when the B Man visits Myron at his office in Chapter Twenty-Three?

(see the answer keys)

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