Factotum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Factotum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Henry contemplate doing as he waits alone in his room?
(a) Enrolling at university.
(b) Going home to his parents.
(c) Killing himself.
(d) Breaking his curfew.

2. What does Henry plead guilty to?
(a) Injuring a minor.
(b) Blocking traffic.
(c) Breaching the peace.
(d) Stealing alcohol.

3. What city does Henry travel to at the beginning of this section?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) New York.

4. What kind of fight does Henry have with Hilda and Gertrude at the end of this section?
(a) An apple fight.
(b) A snowball fight.
(c) A pillow fight.
(d) A knife fight.

5. What do the men on the train receive from the train company?
(a) Music and party food.
(b) A night in a bar.
(c) Money for food and room.
(d) Tickets for food and a room.

6. What does Henry tell the interviewer is his real job?
(a) An artist.
(b) A writer.
(c) A reporter.
(d) A film director.

7. What kind of hat does Willie wear while driving his car?
(a) A cowboy hat.
(b) A hunter's hat.
(c) A bowler hat.
(d) A captain's hat.

8. What is the job Chinaski turns down?
(a) Plucking turkeys.
(b) Moving crates.
(c) Shucking clams.
(d) Deboning salmon.

9. What is the name of Henry's landlady in this section?
(a) Gran Godly.
(b) Tammy Goodwin.
(c) Phylis Formby.
(d) Mama Strader.

10. What is the name of the bar owner's husband?
(a) Damien Cox.
(b) Henry Toms.
(c) Billy Boy.
(d) Johnny Boy.

11. What does Henry smoke with Carson Gentry?
(a) Opium.
(b) Cigars.
(c) Cagarettes.
(d) Pipe tobacco.

12. Who drives Henry home from the bar?
(a) The fire brigade.
(b) The bar owner.
(c) The police.
(d) A prostitute.

13. Where does Henry sleep the night?
(a) The parking lot.
(b) The hotel lobby.
(c) The zoo.
(d) The park.

14. What color is the cellar Henry works in?
(a) Blue.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

15. What is the name of the woman who checks to see if Henry is okay?
(a) Jackie.
(b) Phylis.
(c) Gertrude.
(d) Wren.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Henry cash in to get money?

2. What city does Chinaski arrive in at the beginning of the book?

3. What city does Henry head for at the beginning of this section?

4. What has Willie strewn across his apartment floor?

5. What does Henry's mother rip his face with?

(see the answer keys)

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