Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the boy is accepted in marriage, what do his parents do?
(a) They thank their ancestors in prayer.
(b) They consult with the medicine man of the tribe.
(c) They explain the duties of being a husband to their son.
(d) They visit the parents of the bride to be.

2. What does the bride do when the husband's relatives come to take her to his hut?
(a) She sings to them.
(b) She pretends to struggle against them.
(c) She hugs them.
(d) She gives them flowers.

3. How many men do Gikuyu women usually marry?
(a) Thirteen and fourteen.
(b) Two and three.
(c) Ten and twelve.
(d) Fifteen and twenty.

4. Why does Kenyatta feel the Gikuyu form of education is better than formal education.
(a) The child isn't exposed to the wrong ideas.
(b) The child doesn't have to leave the home.
(c) The child is happier with this kind of education.
(d) The child is learning all the time.

5. How is the first stage of youth marked in the Gikuyu tribe?
(a) By piercing the outer ear.
(b) By piercing the navel.
(c) By painting the body.
(d) By shaving the head.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kenyatta think the European teacher coming to Africa should do?

2. How many oaths control the court proceedings of the Gikuyu?

3. What is the circumcision of both sexes regarded as in Gikuyu society?

4. What musical instruments are used to chase away evil spirits?

5. How do the mother and the nurse educate the very young?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens once all the dowry animals are paid to the parents of the bride?

2. What happens when a Gikuyu girl accepts a boy in marriage?

3. What are the three types of Gikuyu spirituality?

4. What is considered the sound of Ngai's movement? What is his weapon?

5. How did the Gikuyu society become democratic?

6. Describe the rise of new religions in Africa.

7. What did the Gikuyu constitution state?

8. Describe the stages of youth in the Gikuyu society.

9. What does a Gikuyu mother teach her children?

10. Whom do the Gikuyu worship as God?

(see the answer keys)

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