Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many types of spirituality are there among the Gikuyus?
(a) Four.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

2. What kind of games do the young Gikuyu play?
(a) Singing songs.
(b) Climbing trees.
(c) Hide and Go Seek.
(d) Pretend fighting and house.

3. What is the weapon of the Gikuyu God?
(a) The teeth of wild African animals.
(b) Lightning.
(c) Sharp rocks.
(d) Torrential rains.

4. What are the young taught?
(a) How to dress themselves.
(b) How to bathe themselves.
(c) History of the tribe and family traditions.
(d) The Gikuyu language.

5. When can the Gikuyu people participate in the government?
(a) After having children.
(b) After circumcision.
(c) After marriage.
(d) After owning land.

6. How does a Gikuyu marriage come about?
(a) The Gikuyu men choose their brides.
(b) The marriages are arranged by the parents.
(c) The marriages are arranged by Gikuyu elders.
(d) Men and women choose their own mates.

7. What does Kenyatta fear western education will do to the Gikuyu society?
(a) Tempt them to leave Kenya and go abroad.
(b) Be the downfall of the structure of the clan.
(c) Turn them against their ancestors.
(d) Give Gikuyus an inferiority complex.

8. Where do the men, women, and children beat the bushes to chase the evil spirits away?
(a) At the river.
(b) Toward Mount Kenya.
(c) In the jungle.
(d) Toward the center of the village.

9. When is the piercing of the child's lobe done?
(a) A few years after the piercing of the outer ear.
(b) At fifteen years old.
(c) At twenty years old.
(d) At seventeen years old.

10. What does Kenyatta think the European teacher coming to Africa should do?
(a) Set up western schools.
(b) Be circumcised.
(c) Share their knowledge of other subjects.
(d) Learn the Gikuyu way.

11. What is done to the girl's body prior to surgery?
(a) It is massaged and adorned with beads.
(b) It is washed in the mother's hut.
(c) It is painted with sacred colors.
(d) It is blessed by the medicine man.

12. How many men do Gikuyu women usually marry?
(a) Fifteen and twenty.
(b) Thirteen and fourteen.
(c) Ten and twelve.
(d) Two and three.

13. How do the Gikuyu children gain physical strength?
(a) Exercises.
(b) Dances.
(c) Digging in the garden.
(d) Climbing trees.

14. What serves as churches for the Gikuyu?
(a) Sacred trees.
(b) Sacred groves.
(c) Sacred huts.
(d) The river.

15. On what day is the woman admitted into the husband's clan?
(a) The sixth.
(b) The seventh.
(c) The eighth.
(d) The nineth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is done the day before the circumcision operation?

2. Where are the strips of the sacrificial animal buried ?

3. When a man becomes ill, ________________ are sought.

4. What was the name of the first governmental group?

5. What is the school in the Gikuyu nation?

(see the answer keys)

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