Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Facing Mount Kenya; the Tribal Life of Gikuyu Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Gkuyu word for witch doctor?
(a) Matwa-mati.
(b) Mowo-towo.
(c) Mojo-mondi.
(d) Mondo-mogo.

2. What was the condition that the nine men had to agree to if they wanted to marry Gikuyu's daughters?
(a) To live under a matriarchal system.
(b) To go up to the top of Mt. Kenya and pray.
(c) To kill a ram as a sacrifice.
(d) To undergo an immediate initiation operation.

3. When the Europeans first came to Gikuyuland, how did the Gikuyu regard them?
(a) As interesting foreigners.
(b) As lonely wanderers.
(c) As dangerous enemies.
(d) As conquerors.

4. How high should the crops be when weeding is begun?
(a) About 6 inches.
(b) About 7 inches.
(c) About 4 or 5 inches.
(d) About 2 or 3 inches.

5. What are Gikuyu shields made of?
(a) Lion hide.
(b) Buffalo hide.
(c) Rhinoceros hide.
(d) Elephant hide.

6. What were the Gikuyus made to know by the Europeans?
(a) The black man is inferior.
(b) Might is right.
(c) Africa has no future.
(d) They should pattern themselves after the Europeans.

7. Why did the Gikuyu men get their wives pregnant all at the same time?
(a) To prove their virility.
(b) To follow an old tribal custom.
(c) To build up the numbers of tribe members.
(d) To force a change to a patriarchal society.

8. What can't a man get without sheep and goats?
(a) Land.
(b) Status.
(c) Wife.
(d) Hut.

9. When did Kenyatta learn about a new religious cult?
(a) 1930-31.
(b) 1932-33.
(c) 1927-28.
(d) 1928-29.

10. What is the study of the German people by German scholars called?
(a) Taegliches Leben des deutschen Volkes.
(b) Volkskunde.
(c) Deutsche Gechichte.
(d) Studium des deutchen Volkes.

11. In what part of Kenya does the country of the Gikuyu lie?
(a) Northern.
(b) Southern.
(c) Eastern.
(d) Central.

12. What food is used to feed women after childbirth?
(a) Tree peas.
(b) Millet.
(c) Beans.
(d) Rice.

13. What is a moherega?
(a) Gikuyu of the warrior class.
(b) Gikuyu clan.
(c) Hunter.
(d) Farmer.

14. How did the Gikuyu lose most of their lands?
(a) Through selling their land to the Europeans.
(b) Through fighting with the Europeans.
(c) Through deserting their lands and moving southward.
(d) Through their magnanimity.

15. What were the people who lived in the forests called?
(a) Gumba.
(b) Masai.
(c) Aathi.
(d) Ndorobo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which two men are responsible for undertaking the new drive in French folklore?

2. The first seeds of the new historical demoralization were planted by ___________.

3. What was the name of the chief who entered into a treaty with the Europeans and was then deported and died on his way to the coast?

4. What does a Gikuyu woman call the parcel of land she is allowed to cultivate?

5. What was the founder of the Gikuyu tribe called?

(see the answer keys)

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