The Face on the Milk Carton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Face on the Milk Carton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which word best describes how Janie feels regarding moving forward with her relationship with Reeve?
(a) Prepared.
(b) Hesitant.
(c) Excited.
(d) Anxious.

2. Which word best describes Reeve in relation to the rest of his family, as stated within the novel?
(a) Trouble-maker.
(b) Athletic.
(c) Overachiever.
(d) Underachiever.

3. What upcoming event is Janie's mother decorating for after Janie kisses Reeve?
(a) A football game.
(b) A baseball game.
(c) A soccer game.
(d) A concert.

4. Which type of number does Janie ask Reeve about in chapter five?
(a) His telephone number.
(b) Child services number.
(c) Her zodiac number.
(d) An 800 number.

5. How does Janie discover what he real name is?
(a) He parents tell her the truth.
(b) Through her flashbacks.
(c) Reeve discovers the truth from Lizzy.
(d) She finds a newspaper clipping.

6. Where does Janie place the picture on the milk carton after she cuts it out?
(a) Her notebook.
(b) In her purse.
(c) Underneath her mattress.
(d) In her pocket.

7. What is Mrs. Johnson's first name?
(a) Michelle.
(b) Kimberly.
(c) Miranda.
(d) Samantha.

8. Which word most correctly describes how Janie views her parents, after they come clean with the truth?
(a) Crazy.
(b) Saviors.
(c) Monsters.
(d) Unreliable.

9. In which country do the students travel on the upcoming school trip mentioned in the novel?
(a) Italy.
(b) France.
(c) Brazil.
(d) Spain.

10. Which word does Janie look up in the dictionary in chapter four?
(a) Nightmare.
(b) Deprivation.
(c) Daymare.
(d) Daydream.

11. Which one of Janie's friends does she begin dialing to tell of her kiss with Reeve?
(a) Sarah-Charlotte.
(b) Pete.
(c) None.
(d) Adair.

12. What does Janie find her mother decorating when she returns to the house after kissing Reeve?
(a) A sheet cake.
(b) Cookies.
(c) A cheese cake.
(d) Cupcakes.

13. Who's penknife does Janie borrow to cut out the picture on the milk carton?
(a) Pete's.
(b) Her father's.
(c) Adair's.
(d) Reeve's.

14. What word best describes Janie's relationship with her thoughts about the milk carton?
(a) Angry.
(b) Pensive.
(c) Obsessed.
(d) Confused.

15. What the original surname of the Johnsons?
(a) Jefferson.
(b) Jameson.
(c) Javenson.
(d) Johnstone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which television show is Janie watching when she has her flashback in chapter three?

2. Whom does Janie help study in chapter four?

3. What does Janie believe to be controlling her thoughts?

4. What place do teen couples go to become physical?

5. Which of the following best describes how Janie views Hannah, when she views the photograph in the trunk?

(see the answer keys)

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