Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers Test | Final Test - Easy

Filip Müller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers Test | Final Test - Easy

Filip Müller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After a while, how did Filip and other Sonderkommandos regard anybody arriving at the crematorium?
(a) As a victim of their own doing.
(b) With a glimmer of hope that someone would make it out alive.
(c) As though they were family.
(d) As doomed to die.

2. Where was it most difficult for a prisoner to go?
(a) Ouside.
(b) The black wall.
(c) The women's camp.
(d) The crematorium.

3. What were Schwarzhuber and Dr. Mangele doing when Filip saw them through the open door of the gas chamber?
(a) Looking curiously inside.
(b) Aiming their guns at people.
(c) Cursing at the prisoners.
(d) Looking sadly at the people.

4. Why was the technique thought up by the Kommandofuhrers and known as "express work" originally used?
(a) To save coke.
(b) To cut down on the men needed for the work.
(c) To burn bodies more quickly.
(d) It was done on the fastest train running.

5. In Chapter 3, when a crowd of 1,000 people undressed, what did they begin to do when they realized they would be killed?
(a) They began to dress again.
(b) Cried and prayed silently.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Threw their clothing at the German soldiers.

6. Why was Roehrig, a block senior, transferred to a penal company?
(a) He tried to help some Family Camp members escape.
(b) He stole a gold chain.
(c) He would not have his head shaved.
(d) He refused to use a truncheon on prisoners.

7. What was Filip's friend, the last of seven from his hometown of Sered, planning to do at the time he learned of the plan to inform the Family Camp of their impending death?
(a) Organize some gold.
(b) Commit suicide.
(c) Bribe an officer.
(d) Escape.

8. As Filip considered what his life would be like if he survived the war, he thought of running into the FS men. Who were they?
(a) Racist Slovakians who hated everyone.
(b) Volunteer SS in Slovakia.
(c) Germans living in this country.
(d) Hlinka guardsmen.

9. Filip had one regret as he stood in the gas chamber, ready to die. What was it?
(a) He did not write a will.
(b) He did not help one person to get out alive.
(c) He did not have the hand grenades.
(d) He forgot to say goodbye to the others.

10. Who was the doctor in charge of the Sonderkommando hospital in Birkenau?
(a) Dr. Jacques Pach.
(b) Dr. Serge.
(c) Dr. Daniel Obstbaum.
(d) Dr. Jean Langer.

11. How did the Family Camp react to the news that they would be gassed?
(a) WIth panic and alarm.
(b) With disbelief.
(c) With resignation.
(d) WIth prayers to God.

12. Why was Serge so angry at Dr. Pach for giving medical treatment to prisoners?
(a) He believed all prisoners were faking it.
(b) He wanted Dr. Pach's job.
(c) He had been beaten because the sick rate was too high.
(d) He was sick and had not been treated.

13. What weaponry had Filip's group acquired as of the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) Knives and hand grenades.
(b) Machine guns, hand grenades and revolvers.
(c) Shotguns and pistols.
(d) Hand grenades, revolvers and pistols.

14. How many Red Army prisoners of war were left alive by January, 1945, out of the 13,000 taken?
(a) 1,300.
(b) 100.
(c) 12,000.
(d) 1,000.

15. While Filip was in the gas chamber, who did he look up to find surrounding him?
(a) Some SS men.
(b) Vicious dogs.
(c) A group of people from the Family Camp.
(d) His fellow Sonderkommandos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did some of the Family Camp prisoners shout as they awaited death in the crematorium?

2. When the Sonderkommando members asked the Resistance in the camp to plan a mass escape, what were they told?

3. Why were the people in the Family Camp asked to write letters to family and friends days before their extermination?

4. Who did Filip notice in the front rank of the Sonderkommando group he was in at Birkenau?

5. What happened to the Sonderkommando who told a woman in the crowd they were all to be exterminated?

(see the answer keys)

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