Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Filip Müller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Filip Müller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the title given to Filip's working party by Stark?
(a) Fischl Team.
(b) Auschwitz Army.
(c) Jews.
(d) Muller People.

2. What did Vacek do to the prisoner who was mumbling next to Muller?
(a) Shot him at point blank range.
(b) Reported him to Schlage.
(c) Beat him to death.
(d) Ordered him to the gas chamber.

3. What size was the cell that Filip and the others were brought to at the end of their eventful day in Chapter 2?
(a) As large as the crematorium.
(b) Three paces long by three paces wide.
(c) There was no way to tell.
(d) Eight feet by ten feet.

4. Who was Schlage?
(a) A relative of Vacek's.
(b) An SS officer watching Vacek.
(c) A prisoner who escaped.
(d) A Nazi General about to arrive.

5. What was the rank of a Rottenfuhrer?
(a) Captain.
(b) Sergeant.
(c) Sergeant Major.
(d) Lance Corporal.

6. Where did Stark bring Maurice and Filip after they were caught stealing tea?
(a) The crematorium.
(b) The gulley to drink.
(c) The bunks.
(d) To see Schlage.

7. What did a Block Senior receive as a reward for making prisoners keep the block clean?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) A reprieve from death.
(c) An extra portion of soup.
(d) No beatings.

8. What did the statement, "he has gone to the wire" refer to?
(a) A prisoner who was killed by running into the electrified fence.
(b) A prisoner who escapes past the wired fence.
(c) The birds sitting on the wire fences.
(d) Someone who dared to climb the barbed-wire fence and fell.

9. What were the people in the crematorium killed with?
(a) Lethal injections.
(b) Machine guns.
(c) Electric shocks.
(d) Poison gas.

10. Why were the SS men so concerned when they saw the bodies in the pit in the daylight?
(a) The bodies were extremely slippery.
(b) The bodies were swollen and hard to look at.
(c) The water in the pit was rising and the bodies were not buried.
(d) They didn't think Filip and the others were stong enough to bury the dead.

11. What is the Polish name for the town the Germans called Auschwitz?
(a) Augustow.
(b) Krakow.
(c) Warsaw.
(d) Oswieczim.

12. How many times had the prisoners already repeated Vacek's same command at the beginning of Chapter 1?
(a) 120 times.
(b) 30 times.
(c) Twice.
(d) 100 times.

13. What happened to Filip and the others as they were driven past the town of Auschwitz with the corpses?
(a) They began to have severe panic attacks.
(b) They fell off the truck.
(c) They were pinned down by the corpses' movement.
(d) They were given more bread by the driver.

14. What was Filip ordered to do to the dead bodies in the cremation room?
(a) Check to make sure they were dead.
(b) Haul them into a pile.
(c) Strip them of their clothing.
(d) Bury them.

15. What was the quarrel between Mietek and Fischl over?
(a) The food rations.
(b) Who should be Kapo.
(c) Whether prayers could be said.
(d) Who worked the hardest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the ultimate fate of the prisoners that Vacek pulled out of the ranks?

2. Why were the prisoners so concerned about lice?

3. Where were Filip and Maurice taken after being caught at the tea vats?

4. What rank was Hauptsternfuhrer Hans Aumeier?

5. What was a blockfuhrer?

(see the answer keys)

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